Pirate Silver from Vollmer Poured Silver and Episode 3 of The Bloody Raven

Vollmer Poured Silver

So before we get to the Tale, The Bloody Raven would like to share another fantastic Pourer she had recently met on the Instagram Silver Community.


In the light of beginning a new outlook in Precious metals investment (in 2015), Devin founded Vollmer Poured Silver (VPS) in 2016. These products are produced from Devin’s own custom molds and are not like the common commercial ones. A unique artistic style found only in Devin’s own skill, craftsmanship and imagination.

I have acquired just a few of the smaller items of his much bigger, broader, and ‘badder’ product line.

The 3.5 tr.oz 0.999 fine Silver Dragon Mermaid Bar and a Limited Edition piece. This one is Number 7 of 100. It’s not the typical Mermaid you see in the classic Disney movie no siree but perfect for the Gothic styled Pirate and I just love the VPS logo Stamp. I’ll be working on the Video presentation of these pieces later. And of course this bar is not complete without our Certificate of Authenticity and complimentary VPS Burlap Silver Bar cozy.

And the rest of this little order…..

2 tr.oz 999 fine silver 'stacker 2.0' Yes, just the right proportions for that Chunky feel to it and those wicked pour lines, sweet!

1 tr.oz 999 fine silver 'piece of pirate' I had to get this one, maybe should gotten two, or three.

2 tr.oz 999 fine silver 'Button 2.0' Classic Button with a polish version available. Should finances be willing, the wind stiff, and the stars true I shall return to Devin for a few more of his silver goodies.

Chronicles of the Bloody Raven Expanded Universe

Episode 3 AG Ender: Ickabod's Skull and Crossbones

“Captain, a ship has been following us for 100 leagues. What do you make of it?” surmised the Quartermaster. The young boy collapsed the spyglass and stood nearby. Captain Ickabod Smith rubbed his bearded chin with his good hand, “I don’t like the looks of her, and she’s undoubtedly a war ship, I say seventy guns and looks like trouble.” He knew ships of that type consume a lot of resources and they have this tendency of commandeering a private ship’s supplies when operating this far from their supply lines. “In the name of King and country we thereby commandeer what supplies we need…etc, ect.” It’s the excuse to pillage the private property of other ships even of those under the same flag. It could not be a Pirate ship for they prefer smaller swifter ships to surprise hit and run with speed or conceal themselves in a hidden harbor rather than with slower ships that can outlast in pitch battle and risk losing what booty that can be had. No there was something wrong and he felt it in his bones.
Quail, the young second officer nodded, “Shall we set the top masts, reckon we could easily outrun her.”
“They have been following us for a while and may know our destination just by our bearings. Have they signaled us to stop?”
“Not yet Captain, too far for clear signal yet. “ replied the Quartermaster.
“Still they could be heading to the same destination. But what would a warship want with us traders?” With no clear sign of intention Captain Ickabod decided to ignore the ship. “If their intentions were imperative they put up the some signal instead nothing, then nothing we will give them. Set to full sail, When we get to the Kellen colony and off load as quickly as we can as a precaution. Mr. Quail will take 4 men and see that the ship’s large chest, the reports to Dr. Masterson and medicine is buried somewhere and get into hiding until we signal you to return.
The colony folk of Kellen assembled at the makeshift structure passing for a dock. Most desperately needed were not just the tools for construction but medicines, spices, but most of all news from the outside world. As the supplies were being ferried ashore Ickabod’s uneasiness kept gnawing at his thoughts. If the warship wanted his supplies, then being here would put this colony in danger. “Just the key supplies and the Silver Mr. Quail! Leave the general supplies for now!”

"You! Stop right there!" Shouted the Marine.
"You two, run for it, I'll give them a diversion!" Dunsfield and Woods made a quick nod before slipping into the undergrowth away from the approaching squad.
He dashed out of his hiding place. "Rue Britannia!"
Flushed out like prey.
Hot lead rounds whistled through the branches next to his ear almost instantly followed by the crack of gunfire from the pursuing Marines rifles. Another round sent a small geyser of sod and soil next to his right foot. Sabastian Quail never thought that his own countrymen stoop to blatant piracy for any reason. “My God we’re supposed to be a civilized people!” he muttered to himself. He had to run. Find a place to think and decide the next step. He was agile on his feet. The sea legs we’re no obstacle for he grew up brambling about the Lancashire forest most of his life before his career turned unexpectedly into a Seafaring one.
Relieved of his equipment, save for his knife, he was able to cover ground in leaps and bounds putting distance between himself and his pursuers.
As the shouts of his pursuers faded in the distance and almost out of breath he had the fortune to stumble across a spring of fresh water. Taking several gulps then splashing its coolness over face and head helping his head to clear and heart to rest. And from a bed of moss he stared up through the trees to think. He couldn’t go around about to Kellen since it was already under control of the Fury’s Marines. His thoughts went back to the fate of the Venture. What he had witnessed from his observation. He admired his Captain’s courage as the Fury’s Captain Whitmore quoted those damned Articles of War in such a vile manner. What damned war? From what he could hear and observe from a distance. He knew Ickky wanted him to be a witness and survive what unpleasantness that may befall them along with the rest of the crew.

After some awkward pleasantries the discussion came to the root of the matter. “Where is the rest of it?” Ordered Captain Whitmore.
Ickabod replied, “We have enough just for our trade route through these Islands and these supplies belong to the Colony. Dear Captain the Articles of War also rest on Contract Law so If you need these supplies you can buy them from the colony since every Ship of the line has ample silver to do that especially those under the same flag.”
“By God he’s right!” thought Quail. He recalled his story of being dutifully discharged as a First officer from the Loss of his left arm at a Battle against the French navy. Ickabod wasn’t satisfied with retirement and accepted the captaincy of a commercial trading ship. “Bully for you Ickky!” Quail whispered under his breath.
He recalled how that Whitmore's face was of surprised with Ichabod’s familiarity with military ship operations.
“You have no need for what modest quantity of silver the Venture has. I find your behavior unbecoming of an Officer of his majesty's navy. Besides, there is no war around these waters. Stop beating around the bush.” The calm demeanor of Ickabod came into stark contrast with Whitmore’s impulsive and anxious behavior. “What is you want? Kellen is a colony under our flag Is there a reason why your flag is not up?”
“Ickky was making a splendid case.” But the facts are now beginning to point to Whitmore. Not as a dutiful officer of the Realm but renegade out for personal gain.
Whitmore ignored Ickabod’s question, “I have following up on a source of wealth somewhere about the entire Antilles. Many of the villages, towns, and colonies thriving in commerce and trade. Apparently a rumored source of Silver ore so pure that very little processing is even needed.” Three soldiers emerged from below. The solders lugged the small chest over and dropped it before Whitmore’s feet. The taller soldier raised his rifle butt to strike off the old lock.
Ickabod held up a key and waved the officer off. “That won’t be necessary sir.” The small chest lid opened effortlessly. A leather bound ship’s ledger rested in plain view. Beneath it were a variety of familiar coinage, small bags of George II and III farthings, a variety of half and penny coppers, more bags with carefully sorted 2, 3, 4 and 6 pence silver. A few other small bags have shillings, smaller quantities of 3 shillings, florins, half crowns, some crowns and a few countermarked 8 Reales and a several half guineas that were earmarked for major emergency repairs. “It’s all documented in the Ledger if you care to inspect it Sir, typical trade ship’s payroll and float accounts to the exact expectation of the Bartholomew Trading Company and the Royal Navy.”
“And these?” The officer held up a burlap wrapped bundle. He cut open the tie and rolled out the contents.
Four silvery bars each ten inches long with its bredth and depth to a little over half inch each way. The bar had a shiny wrinkled texture was like Crocodile skin with only one side much smoother save for the fine frozen lines of when this metal was originally cast. Only three identifying Letters were stamped on it. C.I.S. and a distinct letter V for the Maker's Mark.
“Captain Ickabod Smith, they are my sole property Sir. That is Private property.”

“Sebastian, where are you?” He recognized the hushed voice of his crew mate.
It was Dunsfield. He was alive. It was day break. He must have already slept through the night. Two figures emerged cautiously from the brambles. A fresh wave of relief came over him, "Over here!"
They lifted their rifles at Quail then immediately lowered them. "Damn you Quail, yea almost got your tail shot off!"
"Have you seen Stokes and Piper?"
"They're at Kellen blending in with the folks. They overhead news that the Venture was taken around to the secluded north side of the island. What do we do?”
“We must go there. They will need our help!”
“But the Captain ordered us to stay away?” cried Dunfield.
“I’m going, myself if I have to so give me the rifle.”

They didn't need directions. The dark column of smoke was unmistakable moving the pang from his belly into his throat. The trio raced as fast as they could north to a long bluff overlooking the hidden harbor below. There, run aground on the rocky shallows laid the smoking remains of the Venture.

Quail fell to his knees by the figure that was lashed on to the log. Ickabod's bloody swollen face fixed on his beloved ship. Many of his fellow shipmates lay dead upon the rocky beach mere paces from his outstretched legs. The Fury's sails could be seen on the horizon. Shaking his fists in the air, "Cursed be you Whitmore! He did nothing wrong!"

"Quail.....my boy....." It was barely audible as body suddenly seemed struggle back to life.
"Captain!" Tears welled up in his eyes, as he slashed off the bonds with his knife.
"He branded us pirates.... Are the Masterson letters safe?" Wheezed Ickabod. "Sent Whitmore on a goose chase....he won't find it."
"Yes, yes, we have to get you to the Doctor in Kellen."
Ickabod slowly shook his head, " Too late for that son.... the bullet hole ....in my chest...." he felt the Captain squeezed his hand. "The Northerner will be in Kellen..... in four months ...get back to England... and warn Dr Masterson ...pray that it wouldn't be... too late."
"Yes .....Sir."
"I know...what you're thinking." Ickabod smiled, "You and your friends...have been my only family left. Remember me.... and our crew."

The YouTube Video AG Ender: Ickabod’s Skull and Crossbones

AG Ender is a Wood Mold Silver Pourer with his own distinct style. Find him on YouTube with the link below.


Sources: Pictures
Fury – from Pinterest
Dunsfield and Woods – from Black Sails
Whitmore – from Hornblower 2003 TV Series
Burning ship – from The Bounty 1984 Movie
Ickabod – from Hornblower 2003 TV Series
Sailing to Heaven – from YouTube Unknown
Courage in Kanji- from Pinterest

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