Nothing nicer than shiny new silver

Thought I'd do a proper introduction to my latest arrivals.  I have touched on this coin in an earlier post along with the Silver NZ Trophy Stag coin, but I think it deserves its own recognition.  This is the Silver New Zealand Guardian Coin from MyGold NZ.  Here is a small extract from MyGold about the manufacture.

" The MyGold team made use of the latest technologies and processes during the minting process to generate a truly “reverse proof” coin of the highest quality. Due to the difficulty in manufacturing, the “Silver Guardian” is one of a handful of reverse proof style bullion coins in existence throughout the world. "

Source: MyGold NZ

I was a bit reluctant ordering this when it first came out at the start of the year.  We have had a 10 cent coin in circulation for eons and I was a bit afraid it would look like this...sorry...manky camera for a manky coin

BUT...luckily, happily, I was wrong.  What a difference in Silver and the detail is so different.  A completely different design.

This coin was designed by a well renown and respected Maori Tattooist, Turumakina, (who has an almost full facial tattoo himself) who has spent the last 19 years perfecting Ta Moko, the Maori Art of Tattooing.  The amount of thought and meaning that has gone into this coin is quite staggering, but has resulted in a beautifully crafted and meaningful piece of artwork.  The face above represents the Maori "Sky Father"  creator of humans animals and all nature.  

The reverse (?) is a representation of the Maori "Earth Mother" Manaia, whose role is to guard life in all it's forms and to encourage the flow of the life force, called Mauri.  So a totally holistic piece that covers Earth and Sky.  (For a fuller story and description have a look-see at their site).

This is my favourite side, it makes you want to touch it!!  So shinny and new.

And there we have my latest edition to my Silver family.  

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