Adding A Few More Pieces of Old Generic Silver...

Golden greetings and silver salutations! It's been over 2 weeks since I added to the stack. Now I am a little nervous that metals may run soon, if there is a response to the UN bombing of Syria. So I decided to buy a little silver. I picked up a bit online, but I decided to also quell the 'itis with a few pieces of generic from the LCS today.

My LCS doesn't leave as much in the generic bin as I see others get from theirs, but here are a few pieces I picked up at a buck over spot...

A 1986 Silver Trade Unit:

ITU 2.jpg

ITU 1.jpg

I see these Silver Trade Unit rounds pretty frequently. There are numerous different designs, but the obverse looks about the same. I did not have this particular one...but now I do.

Tri-State Refining: Round

The other 2 are from Tri-State Refining. I don't know much about Tri-State, but I did not have either of these pieces.

First off, the round:

Tri state 2 obv.jpg

Tri state 1 obv.jpg

It appears to be a bicentennial piece, so likely minted sometime around 1976, but it may not have been.

The next piece is...

Tri-State Refining: Bat

bar 1.jpg

bar 2.jpg

This is not in the best of shape, yet is sealed. I found some of them on E-Bay and they say they are from 1980.

There are my few pieces of shiny from today. The stackitis is in check...for now! Until next time, keep stacking and supporting #SteemSilverGold, #SteemUSA, and #TheAlliance!



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