The New 2018 South Korea Silver Tiger!!!

Golden greetings and silver salutations! I saw a video by You-Tuber @losinglouie today about a new round. It is the 2018 South Korea Silver Tiger and is minted by Korea's KOMSCO mint. These are the same folks that made the Chiwoo Cheonwang and the Zi: Sin Gallus rounds.

I do not know if I can call them coins. Those two rounds have a monetary designation of "1 Clay"... but what is a clay?!? Korea uses the Won and I have seen other folks say that is not a real monetary unit. I searched on line and could not find what a clay is. If it is a currency, let me know. These tiger rounds do not have any unit of monetary denomination to them.

Ok, lets see them. Note that these coins are not out yet, so these photos are courtesy of the Gainsville Coins website (links are below each photo):

sk obverse.jpg

Image Source Obverse

SKT reverse.jpg

Image Source Reverse

I really like the Zi:Sin Gallus round and I can't wait to see what one of these look like in person. They are priced ok, $22.67 a coin, but here is the HUGE detraction, the release date! If you buy one, it will be ready to ship...wait for it...April 13th! A 2 month wait! These have almost the same mintage as the Zi:Sin Gallus and that one is still available months later. If I had to guess, I would say there is no hurry to order this one, but if you think I am wrong let me know why.

So my final thoughts...I am a fan and plan on ordering a couple. I am going to take my time in doing so and I hope I don't get burned.

On a side note, I recently wrote about some You-Tubers similar to Louie. They are ones that try Steemit, but struggle to gain traction. Take a look a few of them in my post here. Also, check out Louie's You-Tube. I hope we can bring folks like Louie back to Steemit!


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