The Unintended Side Effects of Silver Stacking...A Kookaburra Story.

I recently visited the Washington Park Zoo in Michigan City, IN. Normally, one would get excited about seeing the standard zoo animals, like lions, tigers, and bears (oh my), but I am a bit of a stacker, so that makes me weird. I was walking in the aviary, and then I saw it...a real live Kookaburra!

Close up Kook.jpg

Ok, you Aussies may not be impressed, but for an American, I had never seen one. I thought that they all looked like this:

Kook Coins.jpg

I started telling my girlfriend how excited I was and she just laughed. That is why I am turning to you, the #steemsilvergold community. Share in my excitement!

It was hard to get that close up pic. I deleted a lot of failed ones. Here's a farther away shot of the cage he was in.

Kook in Cage.jpg

If you want to read more about it, here's the sign they had. It's all ripped up, so apparantly the kook isn't a big draw.

Kook sign.jpg

If you made it this far...thank you for reading my silly little story! Oh, and this has been edited to reflect my recent acceptance into the Alliance.

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