Metals Mafia

So this is a special post dedicated to the entire Metals Mafia group.


I know that some of you may still be unsure of this kick ass place we call steemit, and even more unsure of crypto's. I don't really blame you, I was very unsure for a long time, well Now I know this shit Is real. May not be real money, but you can turn it to real money. Should I say transform it to real money.


So Today I was able to pull $600.00 profit off of a crypto. You want it? Maybe ? It's up for grabs, anyone want to pour me some silver? Respond to this post with a picture of your best silver and how much you want for it.

I will walk you throw the entire process of taking crypto's. So let me see what you got.

There is a lot of money to be made here with crypto's, don't let your fear keep you from making it.

Proud supporter of #steemsilvergold


Follow me @raybrockman

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