Today I picked up a package and I couldn't wait to unpack it as I knew that a certain coin was in there that I just been DYING to get 😉👍 lol
One step closer to revieling the coins... And then I saw my lovely...badass...Awsome Captain...
CAPTAIN ULTRA HIGH RELIEF 2 oz... Look at that beauty 😆 Hiya!
Woot... Woot!! That is my favorite so far!
Really thick and heavy.. Lol
And the other coins are not so chabby eather..
Like this one.. Niue Stormtrooper 1 oz Ag 2018 - STAR WARS
Stormtrooper is a great one too.... Who doesn't love Star Wars right? 😉👍
And this one reminds me of @GoldenArms as I think he's the only one I've seen having one of those... Lol
A beautiful Scrooge McDuck 1 Oz Ag 2018
Really cool collection to my Superman coin and such.... Lol
Super heroes, pirates, western, cartoon.. Cool ones to have in coins.
The last one I have to share today is one I think many of you know of and probably have already
And now... So do I 😉👍
It's the beautiful Kookaburra 2016 1 oz Ag
It really is a beautiful add to my collection!
Isn't that a great wiew? 😉
My whole collection so far
And this is what I have my collection in for now..
But now that I am a bit of a Pirate.. Hiya!
And has a coin like the pirate Captain....
I really think this chest would be a better choice
what do you think? Well that was it my pirate friends, and now you know that Sassy is unstoppable and a little out of control with her Stackitus 😂😂😂hahaha
@thedamus You started it... Should I go to you for rehab to? 😜Lol
No jk... I am hooked and very proud of my collection 😍 and I have you guys in SSG and #steemsilvergold to thank for inspiring me and gosh all the support. THANK YOU!
And @enginewitty was the first one who got me to try a raffle as I saw him win one thing after another 😉 Mr Lucky 🍀
Never thought that I actually was going to win some to 😲 whaaat? But I did... And here are the results in my collection...
Have a wonderful week my beautiful friends and much love to ya'll 💖🤗💖
Smile and have a Thankful heart ❤️ make someone else smile and feel bubbly.. Doesn't take much... Be YOU!!
Just happy about life and Thankful for all the blessings in it! 🌸
@saffisara : Passionate about reading YOUR posts and commenting. Loves to laugh and take pictures. AND I'm a Hug Lover!
Remember Every day is a #haturday
Proud Member of the best family ❤️
Epic creation of @thekittygirl
Proud to be a part of the Welcome Wagon
and my amazing teammates @dreemsteem and @bluefinstudios
Love you guys 💕🌹💕
Vote for the amazing @enginewitty
Vote for the sweet @c0ff33a
Amazing gifs created by the lovely @snook
Beautiful steemPets creation by @derosnec
Much Love to @enginewitty for this badass banner