
Good morning my friends......

Today, I’m going to just throw out some random thoughts, pertaining to what I see going on.

Just about everything around us is falling apart at the seams. Yet, just about everyone is walking around with blinders on. Is it just me or do you see the same thing?

Precious metals have taken a tremendous beating in the last several months, with absolutely no just cause. I’m well aware that precious metals take a dip historically in June & July but the absolute smack down is not justified.

Since metals have been taking a beating, you would think that the crypto market would be thriving. Yet, that is not the case. Instead the crypto market is taking a similar beating if not worse.

The US dollar is up, yet we are in more debt then ever as a country with NO solution in sight. The buying power of the dollar keeps getting weaker with the continual rising of consumer products.

When does it end? This is absolute INSANITY.....

The world as we know it is going to come crashing down. This just can’t keep going on like this.

What are your thoughts?


Thank you for stopping by...


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