Blast from the Past!!_ Easy on the eyes Silver Stacking Memes #379

Going for another silver stacking meme post tonight folks. I had an itch to do one last night and spent more time picking through my massive collection then i would spent making new ones. This is sort of a part 2 and the last, next meme post will be some brand new crypto's ones. It's been a few weeks since i have done any and there has been plently of action to meme about in the crypto world.

Here's a bakers dozen of memes

Me and chuck have a history. I sold him his first silver bar and he kidnapped me when i dropped it off (Chuck Norris can do this legally). He told me he would show me how to be a man but then i seen him pissing into tins and labeling them redbull, I ran away. Where ever i ran to, he was already there sitting at a table with his feet up drinking red bull. Now he is part of the #steemsilvergold group and i cant get rid of him. Plus he is one of those ninja dicks that like to fake punch are kick you, then laughs about it like it never get's boring.

When shit hits the fan and its all said and done, i hope to be a winner. F to your shares and bonds, people will always come back to gold and silver

I have to show abit of hate for my ETF guys. Roll your papers up real tight and shove them were the sun dont shine were wearing lipstick. You should look pretty when you fuck yourself.

If my dog ( god is dog backwards) ever buried my stack, she'd be going for a swim in a bag of rocks, i'd prob get a new dog so i dont waste all her stuff. haha. I honestly think i would be more impressed at the fact she could move my stack.

I think this was one of the very first meme's i did 6 months ago. I have used this template 3-4 times easy since then for other silver and crypto memes

Your silver stacking friend is in a sticky spot for money and offer's his stack to you for spot and you know he has some nice stuff, do you take it from him? haha I would take it from him and let him buy it back at the some price over time. What he does'nt buy back i get at bargain prices and can feel good about it.

I see people on other forums and chat boards saying that crypto are going to take over and silver and gold are dead. I see a bunch saying that silver will dip below it low from around 2 years back, it could be true but , really??

I just like this one....

I been stacking 50 months, that over 4 years and silver is the same price now as it was then. Im i doing it correctly? I heard 2018 was the year for silver and gold and its going to be silver and golds year. 2018 is deffo the year, i feel it in my bones. Stack hard folks, remember 2018! My sources are youtube and sponsored content so you know im not full of shit :D

Ohh, yeah. I know everyone who has ever had a silver order out on delivery knows this feeling. This is me everytime i hear a car drive past the house and they drivers never need to knock my door as im always waiting door open by the time they open my garden gate.

My daughter has a small stack she loves but i think she would be more likely to plot revenge if i took her phone are table away from her. At least the silver could be sold for spot after the fire to pay funeral costs for this girls family.

Getting scammed on eBay aint no thing no more. Your the buyer and eBay will always side with you to get your money back. eBay is so on side with the buyer that if the seller does not have proof of postage and you receive the item, you can still get a refund by being a dirty dick. Not recommended but i've been burned as a seller also. lol


Baker Bonus

Some of you will remember this one, i remember it getting alot of comment before. Stay safe when your buying and Stack On!!


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