How? what? where? and when? did you start Stacking Silver? #401

I remember a post a few months that asked everyone to answer a few questions just so that they would know the members of the group better. I cant remember who wrote the post but there were maybe 3 questions like whats your job and stuff. You guys knows i like my stat's and i have thought up a few questions. It would be pretty cool to know what others are stacking, who much they stack and things like that. Obviously this is up to you to answer in the comment's are not :)


Below are a few questions, each question has 4 answers and you can answer in the comments below


  • How long have you been stacking?
    (A) 0-1 year
    (B) 1- 5 year
    (C) 5-10 years
    (D) 10+ years


  • How big is your silver stack?
    (A) 0-100oz
    (B) 101-500oz
    (C) 501-1000 oz
    (D) 1001oz +


  • What does silver spot need to be for you to sell?
    (A) 20-50 dollars
    (B) 51-100 dollars
    (C) 101-500 dollars
    (D) Never are plan to pass it on


  • How old were you when you popped you Silver cherry?
    (A) 0-18 years
    (B) 19-39 yers
    (C) 40-59 years
    (D) 60+ years


  • What is your main purpose for stacking?
    (A) Short term saving - House deposit, new car, house extension ect
    (B) Long term saving - Retirement, kids schooling, ect
    (C) To diversify your investments - An amount that will adjust as markets move and you reset your portfolio.
    (D) Other - For the love of collecting, cause you cant save in the bank, ect

    (Please note)

    All answers are transferred via armed vans with decoy's to SSG and PM Labs for analysis regrading stackitis. Results will be posted after both labs come to an agreement and results are conclusive. We are in process of setting up a discord channel for people with no where else to turn and a daily news letter that contains soft core silver porn (coins in caps series) to keep your symptoms at ease. The specialist's at the labs and a few accomplished neurologist's are working hard trying to diagnose the effects of stackitis through the nervous system and the repercussions to the rest of the body. It could be a hard life but we live day by day checking spot price, stealing from our family's to stack and sometimes selling ourselves in back alleys.

    Here's your first silver soft core porn pic


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    Any questions, comment below and ask. If you enjoyed the post, please dont forget to upvote this and follow me @silverstackeruk :)

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