IMPORTANT - ALL #Steemsilvergold MEMBERS MUST SEE !! New Sign Up Rules !! #332

Got your attention with the title. Good and thank you for clicking on the post. Me and phelimint have been talking on the groups Discord and here's what we came up with that might smooth things over.

Ok folks. Enough is enough and we need to get back to focusing on why we joined the #steemsilvergold group and forget about Stax's membership list. We are a silver and gold stacking group and thats what we do, that's what we all have in common, share and love. There has been some misunderstandings about the steemsilvergold group membership list and Stax's membership list. Maybe some bad communication, i know my Monday night post turned a few heads. I missed out around 30 members due to being thick. So, here is what it is.....

  • @silversilvergold is the group and has its own membership list that includes all the members
  • Stax is Stax and she is the group voting bot but she has her own membership list for paid services she offers exclusively to #steemsilvergold members.

Stax will release a post in the coming days to confirm what her terms and conditions are before playtime. Sounds like my wife ffs. Her post will contain everything you need to know. Future membership list update will be more group focused, but this need's addressed and cleaned up.

From next week onward Stax will no longer be hosting the group membership list through her following list. We (me and phelimint) have decided that it would be best if the community picked new members through nomination's that are 2nd and 3rd. This is something we need feedback on folks and any ideas are welcome. Here are the rules we came up with. Please see below for new member enrollment and every members min duties.

Requiremants for Steemsilvergold Membership

  • Use the group tag @steemsilvergold as first tag at least once a week, the more the better. The post should be related to silver, gold are any other PM and contain decent content.
  • Follow and resteem each other to ensure the group is stronger and seeing each others posts

    *******Thats it, pretty easy********


(Each member gets 2 votes per week)

  • First, new members must be nominated by a group member
  • Then they need to find a 2nd member to sponsor them
  • Then a 3rd sponsor. If a third can not be found, a group mod will give the yea are nay

My role

  • Post the updated membership list on Monday evening
  • Edit in members votes every day by 9pm GMT through the week
  • Add new members that get 3 votes on a Monday afternoons
  • Post the new updated Membership list on Monday evening
    and over and over and over........till im old and grey

Revised& Updated #steemsilvergold Membership List

Members on list - 141

Week 1 - 2018

Member's User NameVote 1Vote 2
@phelimint (Group Mod)--
@raybrockman ( Group Mod)--
@silverstackeruk (Group Mod)--

(Example of the voting table, easy enough?)

What do you think? Will it get the job done? Feedback please!!

Users Up for #steemsilvergold Membership

Nominated User1st Sponsor2nd Sponsor3rd Sponsor

shout to member @jimbobbill

Whats happening with Stax?

At the minute she has a $9-$10 upvote depending on the price of Steem and all members that upvote every post she makes for 1 month will receive a 1% ($0.10) upvote on every post they make the whole of the next month. Its not like you need to upvote her posts everyday, just before payouts at 7 days but the sooner the better. Stax will be posting her membership list every month, this is not the same as the #steemsilvergold membership list. Stax offers upvotes for Steem donations are delegation of SP exclusively to #steemsilvergold members. We want to ensure everyone knows there is a difference between these 2 and they are not the same thing.

Final Thought

Going forward, this is better for the group. Its gives @phelimint more time to manage the bot and makes his choices more easy. I control the membership list and enrollment instead of me and pheli swapping emails. Members will know where they are and the community is picked by the community. @raybrockman will continue to give away his stack in contests and helps new members as always.
We are better learning from these mistakes early on, what if there were 1000-1500 members. I do not think 3 mods could sort that all out. Sometimes all i think about in work is what im wonna write about when i get home and what i can do to help the group I can speak for phelimint that he does the same, maybe more than me because he has Stax to care for and she is a women needing attention. We have a great group of members that i am happy to be a part of. Alot has changed and some more will as while, @silvergoldcomps is gonna be hitting the treading section soon with giveaways, easy giveaways so watch for that.

Anyways, im need coffee and smoke (proper shit).

Peace out #steemsilvergold

If you have any feedback are questions about the group. Please feel free to contact either ME, @phelimint are @raybrockman. Contact @welshstacker for ideas and questions about @silvergoldomps. We can be found on the group Discord and Steemit chat. Feel free to write whatever below, i always answer back and upvote every comment.


ps, please me what the post looks like. Its took me ages and this will likely be a templete for future membership lists

3 columns
2 columns
1 column