It is days like these, i remember why i Stack and Hold SILVER #294

Its days like these that i am glad to be a silver stacker. Everyone has been jumping on the crypto coin wagon, myself included. Alot of us had made a few $'s but would you sleep better with 100% of your savings in BTC under your mattress are a big box of silver?

Things have been going crazy with all the hype about BTC and ALT coins the past few months and today has been one hell of a day for crypto's with around 120 billion wiped off the marketcap in the past 24 hours. That is around 23% gone just like that. I personally have lost around £1700 today but i dont really mind that much because i have a few boxes stuffed with silver and a few tiny bits of gold stashed away. My biggest deposit into crypto has been Bitconnect, i have withdrawn 70% of my money back from i started the loan around 50 something days ago and i have even bought around 40 oz of silver with some of the money. The rest has been going into ALT coins and they are all up triple digits so the big dip today is ok with me.

This will never happen with Silver/Gold

Past 3 months. When you look at it, its not really that bad. Its really only back to were it was a couple of weeks back between the 4th and 11th.

Lets have a look at silver for 3 months

Going from the middle of Nov to the 7th Dec, the dip in price was around 11% and took 3 weeks. As most of us using the #steemsilvergold tag are long term stackers, we will see this as a good buying time. As an investment vs cryptos it is by for the safer bet. However, stacking and holding silver is the only good part about silver investing. The actual investment itself is very boring, very consistent and easy to guess yearly dips and jumps. Sell in Feb/March and buy in middle of Nov, use bullion storage for ease and turn 100oz into 200oz in 6-7 years flipping over silver/fiat. Silver has been going sideways from its come down after its 2012 peak and i like that. I like boring and routine, boring and routine is the key to building wealth in anything. You wonna learn something, you gotta study. You wonna get your leg over the misses, you gotta play the same boring moves in routine to warm her up, you wonna have a big bad ass stack of silver, you gotta save from every paycheck, does'nt matter how much, you just gotta do it and over time, you will have your BIG BAD ass stack of shiny's. Even on steemit, sometimes i dont wonna post because im lazy are dont have time but i still do 1 post every single day and reply back to every comment. Oh yes, boring and routine have and will to continue to serve me well.

I picked this picture because of the silver note bar thing there. Its very nice to look at.

Viva la Silver

I will always be in the crypto space but i dont think i will add new money to it as i have an ok pot to play with, the past few months have been good to me. Im a little hooked at the minute and learning more and more but silver is my foundation, its not going anywhere. I will always continue to add to it and will always be waiting to the silver to gold ratio to hit 40/1, then its gold sovereign time, tubes of them i hope :D


Some of my Recent Posts

*****Offical #steemsilvergold Weekly Membershp Update Post*****
------Day 73 of the $100 Bitconnect Challenge!------
** Looking at the silver spot price with lots of charts **
------What are your 2018 Silver Stacking Plans??------

Any questions, comment below are ask. If you enjoyed the post, please dont forget to upvote this and follow me @silverstackeruk

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