My thoughts on Friday's Meeting and the aftermath - ALL MEMBERS PLEASE VIEW -

I have been fairly silent on the whole Stax thing and not really thrown my 2 cents out there. I have been holding off as I don’t what to rattle any cages but its building up. I don’t even care if anyone reads this is not, at this point I’m just venting into my keyboard. There's a high chance I will write this whole post and delete it after claiming down. No not this time, I’m going to pull the trigger. Fuck this, I have the role of group mod that I take seriously and I think I should have a say!! I have 3 things I want to get off my chest.
This is gonna be a long one so grab on, i feel it has come to a head and this a defining point in the steemsilvergold group. I dont write this meaning to hurt but how else can i express what i think when i feel hurt. I have ran at over and over think of a better way to word it.


@ steemsilvergold aka - Stax

I was at the Town hall meeting, thanks for taking the time @phelimint for answering all of our questions. That took balls to do; I would not have been able to tell a bunch of people that I’ve sorta ripped them off through being completely blind and never second questioning why you getting so much support for your private owned bot. You never thought it odd to accept big donations for a private bot that you owned. A bot that you also received x2 daily 100% votes from which is 18.2% of the bots daily power going directly in your pocket, $29.06 SBD at the time of writing for running the bot and making its daily post. You never thought, why am I being paid to run this bot when I own it? Where you dropped on your head? How do you overlook the few members giving a 100% daily votes to Stax post worth maybe $2 and also making them pay monthly through delegation are donation and then giving them a $7 upvote back. It never crossed your mind why those members never complained about it? At the end of the day I can use upvote services to boost my posts, so that's get that out of the way. There are 178 members is the group and you seem to be the only one that thought that Stax was solely in you ownership. It’s not really a whoopsy Phil, it’s more like driving with your eyes closed and thinking everything will be rosy. I am more let down then anything. I think to myself if you were asked the question that everyone wanted the answer to on Friday back when you wrote the first stax post were it was stated in the 1st paragraph that you had volunteered to help. If this was a community are private owned bot, we might have got a different answer than we got on Friday evening and not be in this place. But the question was not asked and the bot account has blown up, it changes things and people views.

I feel cheated on and it makes me shake when I think about it, the upvote is not important. It's what Stax did for the community knowing that we were helping each other and it was being handled with Phil who was being paid 100% vote are his efforts. I have supported the bot from the beginning, maybe not so much with $ but I have gave time. I held the contest posts (#211&219 on my blog) that gave Stax her nickname and current logo's. When stax split from the group membership list which has turned into a blessing from the past given were we are today, I took over the role of looking after enrolment and the maintaining the membership list which got Stax out of a hole very quickly. It really hurts me because I thought that Steemsilvergold was bullshit proof and it just goes to show that there is no such thing as a good deed for nothing.

( This was wrote just before i uploaded the post and moved it here)

  • I have been writing this post on and off for around 3 hours and the whole time I’m thinking for $6k worth of SP? I know the math's does not lie, I heard that a million times during Fridays chat. While the maths on 1 year’s worth of 100% votes from Stax is worth around 5400 SBD which is worth more than $6k. Why would you kill a cash cow for $6k now when you could have so much more in the future? Its only makes sense if you are planning to power down and I don’t think that you plan this. Dude, you were getting a 100% vote every day. I can’t get my head around that, I just can’t. A 100% upvote every day for writing some code ages ago and tweaking it every few days. And then you had everyone upvoting 100% the daily posts building your 100% upvote over time. Man you had it made.)

As it stands I am a gold member. I will continue to receive my gold upvote until the last day of the month. After that I will not be renewing. I have always got my membership through donations and had planned to make my first delegation of 500SP at the end of the month the bring my pay out down to 75 Steem. I can say for certainty that I will not be renewing Stax membership are going ahead with the delegation in April. I will be happy to be free of trying to save up 100 Steem every month and timing my posts for an upvote bot. This is not why I got into steemsilvergold, I’m here to make a few dollars but it's not the core reasoning for all the time I spend on Steemit.

Stax has changed the whole group and now we find out she's a wolf in sheep’s wool, we need to either kill her off are send her packing. I am sorry for the blunt words but how can I sugar coat? I can tell you now that someone else within the community will make a true community bot, nothing is confirmed but I feel it will happen and when it does, the group will be split into 2 camps. Do not for one second think that 2 bot's will be good in any way for steemsilvergold? We would have 2 bots competing for delegation, donations and post upvotes. It’s not healthy for a group of 200 stackers. I think Stax has had her time in the sun and it’s time to move on. I’m sorry but I needed to get that all out.

And for the record, I honestly believe that Stax started out as a true community bot and things changed. For $6k are for principle, you have shot yourself in the foot.


# Steemsilvergold going forward

This changes a few things, I honestly think we need rid of Stax and to move on from this car crash. If another bot pops up, so be it and we can jump that wall when it comes. Fact of the matter is it’s not a community bots folks. Why would we fund a bot that is privately owned? That's not a community bot weather it exclusive to steemsilvergold are not. I would like to get back to the core codes of the group outlined by @hgmsilvergold in this post. I really mean it and I think we should move away from Stax and get back to silver and gold. Look through the lists of posts and see how many are related to Stax, I’m not saying I’m not guilty but we have got lost and it time to get our shit sorted and back onto track. While I am at it, there might be a need to do a complete member clear out and get back to active users only. We can hold a vote for this and 1 months’ notice would be given before any changes are made. I hold my hands up to that and people have gotten in willy nilly the past few months. This will change and member’s activity will be monitored more closely. In the coming days, I will post of a rough copy of a Steemsilvergold FAQ and need feedback. If someone else wants to do this, feel free and we can work together. I claim not ownership to the group because I deal with enrolment and membership. I’m only part of the engine so for newer members, we are a decentralized group built on group voting. There is no owner since the founder jumped ship due to whatever reasons.

Apart from that I only have 1 other thing the mention about the steemsilvergold group which is below. The group will have some changes going forward because of all this, I pray we look back at this in few months and laugh about it. We are silver and gold stacking group and that's why we joined the group. That's move on, put this down as something to learn from and improve from it.

For the record. I think in no way that my 2 cents are worth more than anyone else. These are my views and I will always follow what the community decides.

@ Phelimint as Group mod

This is the hardest part of the post. I don’t wonna be the guy, I don’t wonna have to be the one that has to bring this up but the question has to be brought forward to the group. I’m going to keep it black & white and not cut about the bush. Should @phelimint remain a mod for steemsilvergold group? Is there any trust left after this?

This puts us into a very tricky spot as Phil is connected to a lot of the community's bigger projects. He control's Stax, owns the mint where the steem silver round is produced and is a group mod. There is a lot of conflicting interest now that we know that Stax is privately owned and steemsilvergold members have been funding this guy’s pension fund. Double dipping, greedy........... *%$£&!!! (I just deleted 84 letters, I don’t wonna make this an 18+post).

I’m sorry folks but I put a lot of fucking hours into this group because I was voted in to be a mod and take the role seriously. I would sooner walk away than build false hope. You guys don’t see it; all you see is a weekly membership post. I set up the discord server and keep it ticking over as well, I spend a lot of time thinking of ways to do group buys and things to bring the community closer and make it tighter. I will be doing a steemsilvergold t-design contest soon, nothing to do with silver but a steemsilvergold group thing to do to bring us closer and build bonds. How many members are doing stuff like this? There will be group lotto coming also, you better believe I will play my fucking part in making this the greatest group on Steemit, I have ideas falling out of my ass that will help every get more silver in their pockets and none of them involve a greedy fucking bot sucking up members charity are its owner

For the record, this has been brought to my attention and I feel we need a group vote on this. I think I have made my personal thoughts clear. Please take time to think about your answer.

Final rant and why all this shit for $6,000

We have to move on from this in whatever way we can. I think someone's stackitis got the better of them and they lost the vision. For $6k, you can have it. Thank you for reading through my 1720 word rant.

Now i feel better

At least now i know not the fuck with steemislvergold members, that for sure

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