Screw this beef with Spambots - Let's get some silver porn on the GO !!! #251

Ok, these spambots are playing with me now. They are flagging and unflagging my posts, they now have 5 flagged again. They had unflagged 3 when i got home from work and now they flagged them again after letting them grow another $3-4 each. If this was any other platform apart from Steemit, i would be gone already. Its really hard for me to lay down like a bitch and have to edit the way i make my posts for an easy life. If i am honest, if Steem were at $1.50 i might have different thoughts. I guess i need to make a new bottom banner that is more fuckbot friendly, i dont think i will beable to add any links to my other posts the way i normally do but......................what can i do?? These assholes have me up shits creek with a turd for a paddle.

Anyways, sorry about another rant. About an hour ago, i had my 3 posts back and had done all my replies. I was feeling good. I decided to screw them spambots and make a silver porn post. I am just done resizing the pictures and ready to make a new silver related post with no links at all. Then i log in to find my posts flagged again, not a great time to be planning to write do a post.

So.........................SILVER PORN !!!!

Had an idea to make this really good but im lazy. Plan was panda sheets as grass, gorilla strips and £20 coins as pathway and inbetween the 2 tubes of brit's was were i was going to build a house shape from quadrum capsules. But like i said before, im lazy.

Here she is from the back view

I gots to playing



No 12 there is the middle taking pride of the capped stack

Mixed up and closer

Mixed up again and closer. I wish i had put my gold in there as well, that would have looked sweet

No shorts links, no links at all, no spammy stuff, just a rant, and some pictures that were taken on my phone and sent to my computer using my internet.

Here is a screenshot of my phone showing the date and time i sent an email to myself. Please note i still roll with a blackberry so i am unable to have the steemit app. I will buy another phone if you command me to do so.
This is the computer i used to resize the pictures that i sent from my phone. Just so we are sure i own the pictures. I dont want more screenshots taken down. You can also check older posts to verify the silver is mine

I know its childish and abit OTT but man!! It feels better :)

Peace out #steemsilvergold

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