#steemsilvergold Goldsilver.be UK GROUP ORDER !!! Cheap Postage #252

Here we go with another UK group buy. I will be placing an order at the end of the month from goldsilver.be and thought i would see if anyone wants to tag along and grab a few vat free oz's with cheap postage.

After doing the Uk group buy for the Steemit Silver Coin i think i can pull this off. I lost a few pounds with that but there are no custom fees and the exchange rates i from transferwise are better. The ordering will also be done differently to ensure everyone pays the actual price and payments will be collected over a weekend as silver spot is frozen. So with that said, lets have a look at how this will work..

How to join in

If you are from the UK and are looking to add a few vet free silver oz's but dont wonna pay the 18 euro postage, you are in the right place. This is or someone looking under 15 oz's, more than that and it would be better to do your own order costs wise. Its perfect for someone looking 1-5 ozs are looking something special they cant get in the UK. So, to start off you would visit goldsilver.be and pick out what ever silver/gold coins you would like. You then comment on this post are PM me on discord and i will add your name and oz's to the chart to verify your locked in. I have included myself as the first person and as this is a big order for me, i can share the discount postage with ya'll. Currently at 28p per oz, this will go down as more people order. #steemsilvergold working together again :-)

MemberOz's ConfirmedPrice for postage per OZ as orders added

Screenshot of the homepage

The ordering process

On the 1st of December which is a Friday i will place the order and select transferwise as our form of payment as its cheapest and fast. From then we have 3 days to pay. After working out the true cost of everyone's stuff i will PM everyone either on steemit chat are the groups Discord (preferred) with their totals. Then everyone pays me through either bank transfer, paypal (f&f), BTC are ETH. After payment is confirmed i will need your postage address and then we wait. After i receive the order and do an awesome unboxing post, i will forward all orders through Royal mail signed for. You will pay actual postage cost and this will be added, maybe £2-3 depending on how many oz's you get. If in the event someone does not pay in time, i will contact Eva at CS and have their items removed from the total. They are good that way.

Now the tricky part. So, as we are converting euro's into pounds its not straight forward. I will have to do up a wee excel sheet to help me work out everyone's costs using transferwise's exchange rates. I lost a little money on the steemit coin money but i enjoyed being able to help a few people out as well as myself. Speedy payments would help folks.
I will run this order and see what the outcome is, i think it will work well and this could possibly turn into something i will do bi monthly.

#steemsilvergold 's group Discord Server

For anyone looking to order are part of the #steemsilvergold group that has not already signed up to the group's Discord server, what are you playing at? Your missing out !!! Its a great place to chat with other members in real time through the different channels. Upgrades are coming the new group comp account @silvergoldcomps and the tradinf section will be updated soon as well. There's alot happening and it takes a few minutes to sign up.
Signup though this link - https://discord.gg/azp5KZH

This is the 1st of 2 posts. An update and final push post will come next week. If your looking something and know what you want, let me know asap. I dont want a bunch of people all at the last minute rushing orders in. lol.


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Any questions, comment below are ask. If you enjoyed the post, please dont forget to upvote this and follow me @silverstackeruk.

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