Fiat —> Crypto —> Silver&Gold —> Repeat

There has been a lot of action lately in the crypto world, while Gold&Silver just seem to go down and suck harder! (Ahem, no pun intended...)

I have been farting around the crypto space for years, doing deals, buying hardware, trading and consulting, and just basically having a great time while at the same time making lots of money.

Ever since i was a kid money has fascinated me and i can distinctly remember thinking: what if you could sell money!!!? But as a kid i realized how absurd that idea was...

Well apparently not so absurd!!!

I have always liked coins, and silver, and when i first started stacking years ago it ignited a passion in me for understanding the forces that govern the way money works: it’s ebbs and flows and value, and even how it is conjured into being by the powers that be (i.e. Central Banks).

When bitcoin came along and the penny finally dropped — 21 million coins only vs 7 billion debt slaves — i knew i had found something special. This was pure currency with zero third party and immune to manipulation. I was hooked!

Fast forward 4years and the space has really developed. Me ol’ Ma is buying litecoin and even taxi drivers are pontificating the merits of it, all the while MSM predicts its imminent demise. It’s gone Ape!

Cut to just last month when some guy i met on a social network asked for some help getting exposure to an esoteric alt coin. Well, i did what i do and i got this guy hooked up; and, i took a chance on a pony that looked really great — overlooked, but ready to run!

That guy was @raybrockman, and that pony was POE...

As Ray has said, and i too have offered: if you’re not taking some off the table you’re not really making anything. There is a great desire to just “let it ride...” as if, no matter what you got today, if you just hold it long enough you will become rich. That’s nonsense. You must have a plan, and that plan is a must. Maybe it is your plan to sell out when you go x10 or x100 or x1,000, whatever... but built into that plan should be some diversification. Or at least that’s what i think...

So here’s where the rubber meets the road:

Last month i bought some POE after Ray alerted me to it, and i helped Ray get some of it right on his Jaxx wallet — sent it right from here to there like i was texting him! — And today i took some off the table.


I’ll mention the logo in a minute, but for right now, here’s the loot:




As well, this was a private sale, so i split the spread from VBCE and managed to get 102oz of silver (the last 2 were Wood Bison’s) and a 1oz Lady Fortuna! (@bearone, thinking of you darling! But no you can’t have it 😜)
I paid $23 cad for the SML’s and $1,650 for the Pamp. 4k worth of the shiny for about $500 invested 1month ago!!!

The crytpos can really kiss your ass or kick your ass — it’s a fucking fight club!


This time around it was ol’ Ray who helped me out. And hilariously, i suggested POE to some of my friends up here who have also done very well. I told them that i was going to send a Thank you down to Alabama, and 3 of them have said they will help to add to weight!!! It may take a few days to get all organized, but the point of it is the opportunity that is available to all of us here on ssg. Tips, support, education, comraderie, it’s all here. And there’s some good laughs too!

So to tie in my title here, i will suggest: take some cash, get some into this game, turn it into PM’s, rinse and repeat...

I know getting the fiat can be difficult — it is for me anyways, but there is opportunity here in abundance. Just think about it and you’ll find a way. Be active! And go and get it. Hunt it down like you’re a killer whale — no one is giving Killer Whales free seals...they WORK for it. And they look good doing it too.


For that matter, look at Stax — she looks great! and she’s working that moneymaker 24/7!!!


How ‘bout #steemsilvergold? Everybody is stacking like their future’s depend on it...

Even us crazy Canucks are mad-stacking fools — and we have the luxury and freedom to buy 99.99 PM’s for near spot with zero tax. If you’re one of us find out where!


I also want to say a “Hell Yeah!” To membership. More people are voting on Stax and her daily figures are really adding up. And also, great new content from ssg vets and noobs all the time. My VP dipped into low 30’s couple days ago ‘cause i just couldn’t stop dishing out the votes — you guys and gals rule!

Keep on Stacking! your future’s depend on it.

Cheers! from @thedamus


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