Goodbye Fiat



Goodbye Fiat

T’was an early morning yesterday...
I was up before the dawn
And i really have enjoyed my stay
But i must be moving on

Like a king who has stackitus
Or a queen without a ounce
I’m a early morner stacker
And i know just when to pounce!

Now i believe in what they say
Is an undisputed lie
So i have to see things my own way
And stack that shit high!

Like a Vessel without some melt metal
Or a debt-slave without Menē chain
Just the thought of our asskicking robot Precious
Sends a shiver through my vein!

And i will go on shining
Shining like silver new
I’ll never look behind me
My financial troubles will be few

Oooh yeah

Goodbye Fiat, it’s been nice
Hope i can still spend you — on Some Menē dice
Tried to see your, point of view
But i think the bankers are, sniffing glue!


Insert choice fills here...

Now some they stack and some they don’t
And some ya just can’t tell
And some they will and some’ll be broke
And some like Ray — stack like fucking hell!

You can laugh at my behaviour
That’ll never bother me
Said the devil’s metal is my saviour
An’ I don’t pay no heed

And i will go on shining
Shining like silver new
I’ll never look behind me
My financial troubles will be few

(Repeat chorus)

More choice fills...

(...thedamus freaks out and does an awesome air guitar solo!)

...working on it.

Cheers! from @thedamus

This entire post was a MASSIVE digression!!! I put the jbl on shuffle and just kinda freaked out — silly marijuana!!!

What I really wanted to show y’all was an amazing piece of work, and an amazing presentation, from one of our very own asskickers right here on ssg. Intrigued? You should be! It is such an amazing bit of ssg asskickery and a full on, skill-full, major play in “One-Up-the-Other-Guy” that i feel like a little dramatic tension is warranted...But how am i going to best this?

Wanna’ clue?


Thar be a fine looking ship mateys! Built by the hands of a Master. O me Hearties, thar be a fine Chest o Treasure to inspect, and pirates too!



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