More Madness from Las Vegas!

Hi Friends,

This morning started early, and it was cold (for Vancouver at least) at about -4 Celsius. I was up early ‘cause i had some biz to do downtown. Here’s a pic just prior to jumpin’ on a train:


Even though it was cold, it was a spectacular winter day here: bright blue sky and crystal clear visibility. I snapped this one on my way back...


Then it was a trip past my PO box and wadda ya know? A package from Las Vegas from the Don himself! I usually do most of my stackin’ solo, but today the whole fam was interested — Ssshh, but i think the stackitus might have spread to all of them...

Here they are, getting excited about what might possibly be inside — i was excited too ‘cause i didn’t remember ordering anything... oh wait, did i win a contest? I think i did!!!? What the fuck man, you gotta’ keep your shit dialed in a little better! Anywy, here is the parcel


Charlie loves unboxing — anything!!! — so he tore into it like a little savage while Mrs. @thedamus made cute faces for me 😍


We have some super sweet Pit Bullion swag and a brand new piece of the shiny! A real Conker!!!


It’s a badass, oversized bitcoin poker chip, and it is killer!


It took a few spins to win — quite a few! — but win i did, and i am stoked for this prize! 2.3 oz’s of the shiny right from the Lion’s lair!!! This badboy is going to get a lot of viewing in the next lil’ while.

I also got another cool pit-b sticker for my g-case


And another one that i will plant somewhere good. Charlie thought it rocked and so he jumped up and did his best Sid Vicious 😜


Life is great friends! And made even better by all the mad stacking going on around here: Ag in the mail, contests, gaws, all you fine folks cracking jokes and showing off mucho of the shiny. Damn!!!

Thanks again Pit! This piece is super extra cool — and i like it more than the circuit-board B rounds (those are super cool) but yours is unique and has a good honest, hefty feel about it. Thanks again man! If these do not start flying out the door there is something very wrong with the world.


Well, besides that guy at least...😁😂🤣...O ho ho, my sides!

So tomorrow is shaping up to be another busy day. I got a few appt’s and then i gotta’ ship out some metal to: Kiwi in NZ, a new stacker in Utah, that dude in India who won a Steem Round in October (from me) — mofo took nearly 3 months to send me his addy — so he’s lucky it’s even going out, oh yeah, and i may have a couple more thing-ma-jigs to send out for the purpose of battling the stackitus where it lurks... but those details will best be saved for another time...

Hope ya all had a great day too!

Cheers! from @thedamus

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