Shiver Me Timbers!

Y’Arrr! The purloinin’ continues! This morn’ as i was taking my remedial espresso and sucking up some free wifi at the Captain’s local espresso joint, i came across a message in a bottle! It was from me ol’ Steemit pal @goldenarms. He and i have had many ficticious sorties and languidly navigated the icy waters of our Northern home. I have likened it to being: up silver creek with a whole lot of paddles...

You see me pal @goldenarms has the lust for the shiny like few i have known. He also cuts quite a dashing figure when ya’ catch a glimpse of him sparkling and jingling about the town — when he’s not flat-out pimpin’ up a storm down in Hogswallow! Oftentimes his trades are so stunning that even the minnows school around his lure just to catch a glimpse of his scintillating animation!

Have a gander yerself and see if you see what i mean

GA’s post:


After reading his bullets i had what the fancy boys like to call an epiphany. But i likes to call it a sounding — ‘cause things that are true just sound different. Hence, i knew quite immediately, that i needed a wee more more o the shiny!

I went to one of my cash depots, dug that baby out of the ground, exactly 10paces from the knarled palm tree in the direction of the 13 Nymphs of the rock! With the festering notes inside me vest i hurried down to the Bullion dealer and practically disgorged them at the clerk. Any longer and the stank from those true decaying relics of finance would have perfumed my vest with an even more odious aroma.

Y’Arrr, the misguided fools are still taking them! Avast, t’was a good haul today:

1 x old 1oz JM bar


5 x 1oz Wolf — a good collector for a small primo.
5 x 1oz Grizzly
5 x 1oz 150 privy reverse proof SML
3 x 1oz Voyageurs
1x 1/4 GML

$1,012 cad



Ol’ Silverbeard also diversified a little today and went in for a little Art Thieving too! — one o my fave galleries has their wares on display! Some like to window shop, but i likes to window loot!



I’m also taking a hard look at Pit Bullion tonight. ol’ stonewallstrategic @stnwllstrtgc was showing off some pour lines, and blast my blasted brains! The Captain has felt the cruel pangs o gealousy once again... gonna’ have to get me a good fightin’ dog and head on down to Sin City — there’s one port that’s a great harbour when the Northerlies be blowin’, or whomever might be!

Heading back to The Ingot now — will send out another parlay soon.

Cheers Scallywags!

Keep on Steemin’ and dreamin’ and lootin’ and beamin’! Soon the fools will have all their paper back and we will be lords, and ladies, of the high Seas! ...Y’Arrr


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