Do you have an artistic touch? Are you any good with a computer? Want to earn 5 sbd?

If you answered yes to the above then this post is for you.

Im calling on the more gifted of you here on Steemit to help me with my entry for the #steemsilverround design competition 2018.


I've been very fortunate and made it through to the final round of voting and I'd like to submit a design that is crisp and clean and if possible more 3D and coin like.....

That's pretty much it. You have my permission to go to town on the drawing.

Here are a few secondary thoughts I had about the deign and a few of them have been really well accepted.


Most of the comments seem to be in favour of making the outer rim narrower and removing the "from small acorns......" and replacing it with the words for community from the 2017 round(see below)


I really think the minnow/dolphin/killer whale patters need to be incorporated in to the designs, so would it be possible to have these images to be part of the tree bark(within the branches and remove the words)? I don't have a problem with them being represented as leafs but this is an extra design option and it would be great to explore it.

If you need further inspiration please message me direct(discord/steemit chat) or leave a comment below and I'll get back to you ASAP.

So how does this giveaway work? How will you get 5sbd?

The truth is I won't be able to give 5sbd to everyone and I won't give 5sbd to the "best" design either, what I will do is for everyone that submits an effort I'll give a number and then do a random draw and give that person 5sbd, I'll try my best to give more away but I'll guarantee 1 person gets at least 5sbd.

So I'm calling out

@dandesign86 @gomatthew @edxservurus @meilo1995 @sevinwilson @mariae @orionsbeltbuckle @ricko66 @ideaman and everyone else to PLEASE HELP ME.

I've already had 1 design submitted from @meilo1995 and its pretty bloody good


So remember even if you have no artistic flair but are good with a computer, here is your chance to pick up 5sbd.

Thank you.


Another great effort from @meilo1995


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