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It's true! There are big changes happening over at SteemStar Network!

As you may have already discovered @sircork has recently joined a witness collaboration with 3 others ( @RhondaK, @Gmuxx & @Anarcho-Andrei )forming the now new @noblewitness. Go on and switch those votes around if you haven't already. 😍

And such it is with change, many things happen at once.

New Ownership

That's me! And the hubs @chrisroberts. 😀 We've been working with @sircork on the SteemStar Network for about 15 weeks (I'm going off of how many weekly shows I've had), and it's been wonderful! I've learned so much! Mostly, that I love being LIVE. 😎 When Cork came to me and asked if I wanted to 'run the show' of course I said yes!

Wanna read his thoughts on it? 👉SteemStar Network is ending an Era, and going to the Moon!

The 24/7 Network - NO MORE.

After a bit of discussion we decided that this was no longer a viable resource to the community... and a bit expensive and time consuming for no reward or compensation. When the Network started we were still waiting on Dtube, DLive and DSound to be more available to everyone... and now they are. 😁 The original intent of the Network was to SHARE audience members... much in the same way MSP-WAVES does. Alas, myself and one other were the ONLY people who used the Discord, making it much less of a 'community'.

This isn't bad! In fact, it kinda makes this transition even easier. 😍

Because the other hosts were simply streaming through the Network, rather than using the set up community, EVERYONE already has their very own audience to start streaming to with DLIVE! Trust me. This will benefit everyone. 😍


I love it. Seriously. They've been updating CONSTANTLY and their Discord help channels? Amazing. Plus, everyone's really nice... and if you don't suck, you'll get the occassional DLIVE upvote. Did I mention? They do NOT take 25% off the top .... So that's nice. 😎

If any of the hosts need a little extra direction with DLIVE, just let me know. I'd be happy to help ya out. I would suggest to still use your Discord chat, but also use the DLIVE chat. It's OFF the chain and disappears after the show, but is VERY easy to use. You'll get good at doing both in no time. Really, you only need DISCORD during your shows if you have guests on. 😉


Kinda... Because we aren't really a 'network' now that the 24/7 stream will be taken offline I'm simply changing the brand to STEEMSTAR. Me and hubs @chrisroberts have already built a whole Universe (literally) around STEEMSTAR and don't wanna give it up.


Yup. This is still gonna be a thing. It's too much fun for it not to be. Speaking of .... Just last night the hubs entered Comedy Open Mic with all of the commercials he's created (for fake SteemStar products) in the last several months. It's hilarious. I wouldn't lie. It's not my jam. 😎

19 Original Satirical Space Commercials in One Take!

Click that sexy pic to be taken to the action.

Looking Forward

I'm pretty excited about the possibilities this brings. I'm super stoked to bring my Monday and Friday shows to DLIVE and potentially gain a following and supportive audience. I'm eager to start doing a LOT more with STEEMSTAR. What that will look like? I'm not sure yet. But it will be ...great. 😎

  • To ANY host that doesn't have a Discord, you are welcome to still use STEEMSTAR, just let me know what day and time so I don't double book ya. And alternately, if you need help setting up a new Discord and getting your audience over there, I can help with that too.

  • To everyone who is currently in the STEEMSTAR Discord, Imma start using the @everyone tag... so if that makes your panties all twisty, just leave the channel. My feelings won't be hurt... I mean... you could also change your notifications... but I hear that's really hard for some folks. ... LOL! 😆

And finally...

Go follow me on DLIVE! You have to actually go to dlive.io and sign in with your Steemit keys and then FOLLOW me there, regardless of if you've already followed me on Steemit. Different website, same blockchain. 😉 Once you do that, you magically get notifications for when I go LIVE... and trust, you don't wanna miss me. 😎

What to expect from me...


This is still happening. However, I'm going to be moving my time UP a few hours. Currently, this was airing 8PM EST every Monday night. I'm thinking of moving it to 5PM EST. But it's not set in stone yet. What say ye?

😜STEEMSTAR AFTER DARK w/ Carrie, Chris & Friends!😜

OMG! This is seriously the best time on the blockchain. If you've not shown up for the party, you probably should. Bring beer and pizza. 🍺 I'm changing the name of this one... I'm pretty set on the new name, but wanna mull over it a bit more. The reason for the name change? Imma be moving this up in time too. It seems 8PM EST is just about the worst time...for me... or I'll learn that no one likes my content ... and it wasn't the time after all... it was always me... 😟

But before all that! Imma at least try. Right? 😏

Got questions?

Hit me up below in the comments or find me on Discord. I'm carrieallen#9415 over there.

Oh! And muh Discord link! I almost forgot...


That's all folks pink.gif

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If you find yourself needing help or just have a question or two, find me on Discord.😀

All images were created/taken by me, or from Bitmoji.com. Make your own today!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

I need to know!

Hugs & Kisses 💋carrie signature.gif

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