Its official I have a radio show!!!

Ok so as the title says it's official, I have a radio show.... me can you believe it. So much is happening my head is literally spinning, I started off with doing one little initiative and its growing immensely and very quickly.

My new radio show Crazy for Steem.

Crazy about steem (1).jpg

This Monday 16th of April at 6pm UTC will be my first show Crazy for Steem. Every Monday, we will talk about the things we can do to improve ourselves, on not only Steemit but across the entire platform. I thought long and hard about the segments that I am going to be covering which will be the following.

  • New to Networking

We will be looking at the importance of networking with other people, and why this can help you to become more successful gaining an audience to look at your work. Finding people with similar interests to yours to not only make new friends, but gather content ideas.

  • Brilliant at Branding.
    Are you branding yourself, do you need to brand yourself. Find out why I came up with my name and how it helps me grow.

  • Dynamic on Discord.
    I am in over 30 discord groups, how do I manage to talk in so many? Are you posting in groups and not getting seen? You need to be on to find out why.

  • Professional Posting.
    Are you writing three sentences and wondering why you are not making any steem?? How long should a post be? Might be and idea to come along and see what people are doing and gaining so much attraction.

  • Confident at Curating.
    "Nice Post" Simply will not to, if you want to win at curation rewards then you need to listen in.

  • Super at Sourcing.
    This segment we are going to talk about the importance of sourcing your information and why its so important.

  • Crazy for Content
    If you get stuck for content ideas, come along and listen to how I get mine, and why most of my ideas come when I wash the dishes.

  • The mystery of Markdown.
    Not sure how to center a title, maybe you are want to know why h1 and h2 titles are needed, well this can help you out.

  • Successful in Steem, critical about crypto and many more......

All the segments we will cover for a full two hours, giving us the time to look into in greater detail and get our questions answered.

What will we be talking about on Monday?

Monday will be the chance for you to meet me, hear a little about me and my progress on the platform in such a short time. How now many of my posts have be featured and recognised by curators, I also want to show you what some of my posts were like compared to what they are like now.

I also want your suggestions its a show for you, its all about you. I can share things about me but the purpose of this is to help you grow and flourish on the platform.

If I said I was not feeling nervous I would be lying.

It's true I confess I am deeply nervous, but more excited about what is going to happen on the platform. I really want the shows to be fun, engaging and interesting for you all.

For now the shows will not be recorded or uploaded whilst I find my feet with what I am already doing, probably in a few weeks the show will be on catch up.

So here I am....

At your service, two hours a week where I may be able to help some people, have a laugh make it fun, so I hope to see as many of you on the show as possible.

Once again I want to give a massive thanks to @sircork and the steemstar team for this amazing opportunity, I will see you on the airwaves this Monday 6pm UTC.

Credit Giphy

Thank you for reading.


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