The Write Answers with RhondaK -- New Streaming Radio Show!

Announcing a brand spanking new streaming radio show on the Steemstar Network: The Write Answers with RhondaK. Along with my co-host @shadowspub, I am going to take a weekly look at what's happening in the Steemit writing community, who's publishing what, and how we writers can add value to the blockchain. Today's guest is the awesome and one-of-a-kind @GMuxx. We're going to talk about his journey on Steemit, his journey as a writer, and what keeps him ticking when he's not clicking (in other words, what he does when he's not on Steemit. LOL)

We'd love for you to join us! You can listen on The Steemstar Network HERE, or join us in the Steemstar Discord to chat live with us while we're on air. We'll take questions and comments from the audience during the last half of the show, so be there and be ready!

During the second hour, we're going to feature music by the lovely @isaria. I heard "Panacea" last night on Steemit Creatives with @swelker101 and was just blown away. Once I get sorted with Write Answers, I'm going to feature music every week and hopefully get the songwriters on the show to talk about their process. We have a songwriting workshop at @thewritersblock and definitely consider lyricists to be part of our writing community. Nothing would please me more than to see that community thrive and take over the airwaves.


Don't forget "Crazy About Steem" with Host @CrazyBGAdventure at 6:00 UTC on the Steemstar Network!**

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