SteemStar Network's Steemitizens on Steem premier weekly show was HUGE! EIGHT Witnesses & 40+ listeners & about a dozen participants on the mic! You coming next Sunday? Don't miss it again!

Hey Everybody!

SteemStar Network's Steemitizens on Steem premier episode was a HUGE success!

Eight Witnesses came on the air with us!!! Also a dozen or so community personalities, and so many steemitizen audience members!

That's right, 8 STEEM Witnesses, many top 50, and all top 100 placements between them and about a dozen participants jumped on the mic on Steemitizens On Steem's weekly Sunday show on the SteemStar Network!

The YouAreHOPE Foundation/SteemStar Network proudly hosts 15 steem witnesses as members of our community. If I am not mistaken, they are all top 100 witnesses, and many are top 50 and even top 20! More than half of them came to join us on the air and will continue to drop into our casual, open house, open mic Sunday morning coffee talk show.

Once again, just to be totally clear, this is not just a show for the witnesses, they are merely the guest co-hosts. This is a show about YOU and your chance to grab the mic and chat with the other steemitizens and witnesses on the show every week!

You coming next Sunday?

Don't miss it again!

( @drakos, I'm looking at you, Mr. ShowsUpAtTheEndTimeNotTheStartTime :D )

Witnesses who attended and took the mic (in no particular order):


and of course, Myself, @SirCork :)

Other prominent community leaders and speakers dropped in and took the mic as well. Too many to list but a couple highlights included:

@nairadaddy - aka Dr. George, leader/organizer/founder of steem block chain based #Air-Clinic

...and so many others including so many great steemitizens just like YOU!

We had about 40+ listeners or speakers join us throughout the 5.5 hour show session!

Here is a highly condensed and edited replay with a few caveats...

  • We had first day gremlins. The overall show seemed to go well, however, we lost over 2 hours of the recording due to recording limits that I didn't anticipate and couldn't adjust for live :(

  • We lost incredible introductions and opinion contributions from Luke.Stokes, and TeamSteem, which was a huge disappointment to discover after the fact, because they both spoke at length and added tremendous value for all of us present during the live show.

I condensed 5.5 hours down to 2 hours here. I had to carry the show with a couple of guests for the first hour or so till we built up a head of STEEM and many witnesses and participants starting arriving en masse after that, so at first you will hear two or three of us speaking a lot... but THEN... BUT THEN... check this out.

Discord voice went wonky, so for a solid half of more of this replay, you will not hear me or some of the others at all. We heard each other, but the recording only heard some of us. Thus, I have reduced the tape to only where audible speakers are talking. I also basically removed my own voice from the majority of the show after guests began to arrive.

This massive edit cutting shortened it, took out all the dead air, chattery mics and "getting the mic to work" noise and this resulting two hour video is JAM PACKED with nothing but witness and steemitizens speaking, opining, thinking of great ideas and collaborating or debating various issues and topics. You'll lose a little context perhaps, with my questions and crowd chat/chatter going on that was edited out, but overall, you are left with no fat, and ALL the meat on this juicy steak of a show!

Solid witness introductions included, topics ranging from steemit, and steem, to spam, to emotions, to cryptos, to governments, to taxes, to witnesses and their jobs, and communities and so MUCH MORE!

It was a simply glorious premier of what is now a weekly 5+ hour show. Don't miss the next one, put on your headphones, warm up your mic, and come join in what may just be the most interesting conversation you will take part in every week!

EVERYONE is welcome, every single week! We can stay all day for this. Most our listeners actually stayed till the end after they arrived as well. The people, thoughts, remarks, comments and interaction on the show were just THAT GOOD!

To appear on Steemitizens of Steem, there are no arbitrary wallet size requirements or stupid restrictions designed to only allow for or appeal to certain cliques or good old boy networks!

You are here. You matter. We have room for all of you, and if you miss out due to crowds, we're here every week.

Also, we have other shows coming online this week as well, which also feature live audience participation like Voices of the Underground with @beanz or the Hot Potato Show with @Swolesome or the Crypto Struggle with @SirLunchTheHost or two sessions of Pimp Your Post Thursdays with @ShadowsPub. There is room for everyone on the SteemStar Network!

Check our full schedule at http://SteemStar.Net/schedule for show times!

Here now, then, is the edited down, recovered two hours of the Premier Episode of Steemitizens On Steem! We hope you enjoy it! It's LOADED with good information, ideas and people whose well-known names you may know already, and some you may not know yet but should.

I think the voices of the people themselves in this replay summarize everything pretty well.

See you next week!

Yours in service,
Founder @YouAreHOPE Foundation
Founder @SteemStar Network
Top 100 Steem Witness

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