Superoxide Dismutase - A Radical Enzyme: My Engagement to @lesshorrible's NSAS Idea Suggestion #5

Image Author: Democracy Chronicles, Image Source: Fliker. Creative Commons 2.0 license with editing by @csusbgeochem1

This Is One Radical Idea!

Hello everyone out there on Steemit! First off I want to state that this engagement post idea was claimed by @deholt per @lesshorrible's guidelines in his post series NSAS Idea Suggestion# 1 - Sharing Is Caring and I am in no way stepping on his toes, but the idea was claimed almost two weeks ago with no follow up post for me to build upon. I figured I would jump in and give it a try.

@lesshorrible's post NSAS Idea Suggestion #5 - Antioxidant Hype is the engagement post I am referring to, I suggest everyone visit that post series to really understand the huge contribution he is doing for the #steemstem community. I have yet to see any other engagements to the ideas he has posted so I suggest if your reading them and would like to claim them for your own, go for it!

In his post @lesshorrible states:

In my opinion antioxidants are overhyped and radicals are misunderstood. Just like about any health myth, industry (be it big pharma or alternative pharma) took advantage of our wish for health and youth and turned a piece of the health-puzzle into a magic bullet.

Now I actually agree with him about the whole premise being misunderstood, but I feel antioxidants have benefits we just dont understand. I feel a specific set of antioxidants may hold the key to eliminating harmful reactive oxygen species, more specifically superoxide dismutase. But lets start from the beginning shall we and briefly go over a few of the basics so we can build upon an idea. Lets cover what reactive oxygen species are and why they are important.

Reactive Oxygen Species

Image Author: Tim Vickers, vectorized by Fvasconcellos, Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

The National Cancer Institute defines reactive oxygen species as:

A type of unstable molecule that contains oxygen and that easily reacts with other molecules in a cell. A build up of reactive oxygen species in cells may cause damage to DNA, RNA, and proteins, and may cause cell death. Reactive oxygen species are free radicals. Also called oxygen radical. has an article titled An Introduction to Reactive Oxygen Species - Measurement of ROS in Cells that elaborates:

Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) is a phrase used to describe a number of reactive molecules and free radicals derived from molecular oxygen. The production of oxygen based radicals is the bane to all aerobic species. These molecules, produced as byproducts during the mitochondrial electron transport of aerobic respiration or by oxidoreductase enzymes and metal catalyzed oxidation, have the potential to cause a number of deleterious events. in an article titled Reactive oxygen species - an overview contains an excerpt from Chapter 23 – Oxidative Stress and Cardiac Muscle
Yasuhiro Maejima, Daniela Zablocki, Junichi Sadoshima
Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ
Available online 26 June 2012
that further adds:

A primary ROS is superoxide (O2−), which is formed by one-electron reduction of molecular oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is produced by reduction of O2− through dismutation. Hydroxyl radical (OH−) arises from electron exchange between O2− and H2O2 via the Harber–Weiss reaction or it is also generated by the reduction of H2O2 by the Fenton reaction.

Reactive oxygen species have even been thought to cause cancers. The US National Library of Medicine has a journal: Dreher D1, Junod AF. Role of oxygen free radicals in cancer development. European Journal of Cancer. Volume 32, Issue 1, January 1996, Pages 30-38. dio:10.1016/0959-80499500531-5. that states

Mutagenesis through oxidative DNA damage is widely hypothesised to be a frequent event in the normal human cell. A large body of evidence suggests important roles of oxygen free radicals in the expansion of tumour clones and the acquisition of malignant properties. In view of these facts, oxygen free radicals may be considered as an important class of carcinogens.

So in short, oxygen radicals are naturally produced during metabolism as well as outside sources and in large amounts can cause damage to cells. There must be a way to mitigate this damage internally and as stated above superoxide dismutase is used as an antioxidant. This type of enzyme is where my area of interest lies, and not just superoxide dismutase but the whole field of ligands in general. I feel ligands are a form of "electron dump" the body can use to rid itself of harmful radicals. Before I delve further into superoxide dismutase id like to explain what a ligand is so you understand what I mean when I use the term.


Image Author: Smokefoot, Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Chemicool Dictionary defines a ligand as:

an ion or molecule that binds to a central metal atom to form a complex (alternatively known as a coordination entity). Ligands are usually thought of as electron donors attracted to the metal at the center of the complex. Metals are electron acceptors.

Chemistry LibreTexts goes into a little more detail about a ligand:

These complexes contain a central atom or ion, often a transition metal, and a cluster of ions or neutral molecules surrounding it. Ligands act as Lewis bases (electron pair donors), and the central atom acts as a Lewis acid (electron pair acceptor). Ligands have at least one donor atom with an electron pair used to form covalent bonds with the central atom.

Ligands form monodentate and polydentate complexes and Chemistry LibreText further elaborates:

Chelation is a process in which a polydentate ligand bonds to a metal ion, forming a ring. The complex produced by this process is called a chelate, and the polydentate ligand is referred to as a chelating agent.

Image Author: Yikrazuul, Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

One of the most important polydentate ligands to animals in general is the Heme group used to transport oxygen throughout the body. Wikibooks describes the Heme group on its page Structural Biochemistry/Protein function/Heme group as:

Heme is a porphyrin that is coordinated with Fe(II). One of the most important classes of chelating agents in nature are the porphyrins [1]. A porphyrin molecule can coordinate to a metal using the four nitrogen atoms as electron-pair donors. In the body, the iron in the heme is coordinated to the four nitrogen atoms of the porphyrin and also to a nitrogen atom from a histidine residue, one of the amino-acid residues in hemoglobin) of the hemoglobin proteins.

Superoxide Dismutase

Now that I have introduced you to ligands, we can explore exactly why I feel organometalics like superoxide dismutase can be important antioxidants. Life Extension has an article titled Superoxide Dismutase Boosting the Body’s Primary Antioxidant Defense written by Dale Kiefer that describes superoxide dismutase:

For years, scientists have sought a way to boost one of the body’s most powerful natural antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase (SOD). Present both inside and outside cell membranes, SOD is one of the body’s primary internal anti-oxidant defenses, and plays a critical role in reducing the oxidative stress implicated in atherosclerosis and other life-threatening diseases.

Baseline of Health Foundation further describes SOD in an article titled The Health Benefits of Superoxide Dismutase:

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an enzyme that facilitates the breakdown of the toxic superoxide radical into either ordinary molecular oxygen (O2) or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Hydrogen peroxide is also damaging, but less so than the superoxide radical, and it is also degraded by catalase. SOD works along with glutathione to neutralize reactive oxygen molecules in the body.

The US National Library of Medicine has a journal: Fukai T, Ushio-Fukai M. Superoxide Dismutases: Role in Redox Signaling, Vascular Function, and Diseases. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. 2011;15(6):1583-1606. doi:10.1089/ars.2011.3999. which explains

Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are the major antioxidant defense systems against O2•−, which consist of three isoforms of SOD in mammals: the cytoplasmic Cu/ZnSOD (SOD1), the mitochondrial MnSOD (SOD2), and the extracellular Cu/ZnSOD (SOD3), all of which require catalytic metal (Cu or Mn) for their activation.

As stated by the sources above, superoxide dismutase is a powerful antioxidant in the fight against free radicals that damage cells. Research has suggesting using superoxide dismutase in cancer therapy. published a journal Wilkes JG, Alexander MS, Cullen JJ. Superoxide Dismutases in Pancreatic Cancer. Antioxidants. 2017; 6(3):66. elaborates:

Superoxide dismutases (SODs) have been studied for their ability to manage the oxidative state of the cell by dismuting superoxide and inhibiting signals for pancreatic cancer growth. In particular, manganese superoxide dismutase has clearly shown importance in cell cycle regulation and has been found to be abnormally low in pancreatic cancer cells as well as the surrounding stromal tissue. Likewise, extracellular superoxide dismutase expression seems to favor suppression of pancreatic cancer growth.

Nature: International Journal of Science has a journal Peng Huang, Li Feng, Elizabeth A. Oldham, Michael J. Keating & William Plunkett. Superoxide dismutase as a target for the selective killing of cancer cells. Nature volume 407, pages 390–395 (21 September 2000). doi:10.1038/35030140 that explains:

Inhibition of SOD causes accumulation of cellular O2- and leads to free-radical-mediated damage to mitochondrial membranes, the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria and apoptosis of the cancer cells. Our results indicate that targeting SOD may be a promising approach to the selective killing of cancer cells, and that mechanism-based combinations of SOD inhibitors with free-radical-producing agents may have clinical applications.

There is also a field of research that opposes antioxidants and state they can actually be harmful in large amounts. Scientific American has an article titled Antioxidants May Make Cancer Worse which debates the subject:

A large trial reported in 1994 (pdf) that daily megadoses of the antioxidant beta-carotene increased the risk of lung cancer in male smokers by 18 percent and a 1996 trial was stopped early after researchers discovered that high-dose beta-carotene and retinol, another form of vitamin A, increased lung cancer risk by 28 percent in smokers and workers exposed to asbestos. More recently, a 2011 trial involving more than 35,500 men over 50 found that large doses of vitamin E increased the risk of prostate cancer by 17 percent.

The article delves further:

These findings suggest that when the body is given extra antioxidants, its tumor cells get to keep more of the antioxidants that they already make themselves. The cells can store the surplus, improving their ability to survive damage. This idea is supported by work that shows some genes that drive cancer growth turn on other genes that make intrinsic antioxidants.

Deinococcus radiodurans

Image Author:Michael Daly, Uniformed Services University, Bethesda, MD, USA, Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

My interest in superoxide dismutase and its ability to deal with oxygen radicals was peaked when I came across an organism known as the "worlds toughest bacterium", Deinococcus radiodurans. Genome News Network clarifies:

Deinococcus radiodurans is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as "the world's toughest bacterium." And for good reason: The microbe can survive drought conditions, lack of nutrients, and, most important, a thousand times more radiation than a person can. The bacterium, whose name means 'strange berry that withstands radiation,' is the most radiation-resistant organism known.

Its well known that radiation causes cell mutation, so it makes you wonder how this bacterium is able to resist so much radiation. BMC Microbiology has an article Sun, H., Xu, G., Zhan, H., Chen, H., Sun, Z., Tian, B., & Hua, Y. (2010). Identification and evaluation of the role of the manganese efflux protein in Deinococcus radiodurans. BMC Microbiology, 10(1), 319. doi:10.1186/1471-2180-10-319 that explains how:

Deinococcus radiodurans accumulates high levels of manganese ions, and this is believed to be correlated with the radiation resistance ability of this microorganism. However, the maintenance of manganese ion homeostasis in D. radiodurans remains to be investigated.

The US National Library of Medicine carries an article Slade D, Radman M. Oxidative Stress Resistance in Deinococcus radiodurans . Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews : MMBR. 2011;75(1):133-191. doi:10.1128/MMBR.00015-10. that elaborates on this bacterium's importance:

The protection of DNA repair and other proteins against oxidative damage is imparted by enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant defense systems dominated by divalent manganese complexes. Given that oxidative stress caused by the accumulation of reactive oxygen species is associated with aging and cancer, a comprehensive outlook on D. radiodurans strategies of combating oxidative stress may open new avenues for antiaging and anticancer treatments. The study of the antioxidation protection in D. radiodurans is therefore of considerable potential interest for medicine and public health.


In this post I went over what reactive oxygen species are and how our body deals with them. I also introduced organometalics and their importance in cell health. The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans was cited as an example that nature has a way of efficiently fighting off reactive oxygen species using organometalics. @deholt, I hope I did not steal any of your ideas for your upcoming post and if I have spurred new ones please engage with me. If this post has inspired anyone in the #steemstem community or the Steemit community in general to engage on this topic, feel free! Please let me know where I went wrong or add to my ideas if you would like. Thank you for taking the time to read this post!

Sources Cited:

Animations and cover photo created by @csusbgeochem1 using GIMP.

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