Syncing the Male / Female Energies for Health, Happiness, & Success!

When I talk about Masculine and Feminine energies it is not gender specific or that one needs to be a woman to be feminist or that only a Male needs to have Masculine energies.

The Subtle Body governing the Masculine Feminine Energies
Since ages Yoga has been talking about balancing the Masculine/ Feminine energies, but many Men take it as an ego to accept that Feminine energies are as important one needs as Masculine energies. It is not only about Men, there are many Females who lack Feminism and their Masculine energies are more dominant and vice versa. Our whole body composition is also made accordingly at a subtle level. In Yoga what we say the Ida/Pingala Nadi our energy pathways which represents the masculine/feminine, sun/moon energies. Without both these energies life will not exist. They are the life force within us.

Ida is the Feminine energy, which represents the Moon, it is cold and white in color originating from the Root Chakra and ends in the left nostril. This impacts the right hemisphere of the Brain, where the creative flow is high.
Pingala the Masculine energy which is red in color and represents Sun also originates from the Root Chakra and ends up in the Right nostril. The left Brain hemisphere gets impacted which makes the person more analytical in nature.
At many points both these Nadis intersect each other through the center Sushmna Nadi where the Chakras originate.

If these 2 qualities would be in perfect harmony in every single individual, we would not see any wars, chaos, rapes, power issues, political fights. Rather this place would be a perfect place to live in. A world full of Love, Peace and Compassion. Through regular practice of Yoga and Pranayama one can balance these energies and bring in a harmony.

Self Drawn Image

We identify ourselves into Male/ Female gender but we carry both the energies within us, now which one is dominant within us depends on the way we are brought up in the society, the conditioning that we have received.
Bringing a balance in these energies will enable us to handle life effectively.

The Geometry of the Masculine and Feminine Energies
Our relationship to everything around us is completely based on how we perceive things within us and our perception is based on our energy sensations. Every structure in the Universe has a Geometric pattern, if we see the Geometry of the Masculine energy it is made of angles and straight lines, whereas the Feminine energy is made of curls and swirls. Both of these energies are Polar opposite not only in Humans but in the entire creation within the Universe, also called the Ying and Yang. The Masculine energy in many forms also can be seen as a triangle figure, where it shows a total linearity in its direction, the energy shoots up above observing things from a distance. The Feminine energy is seen in the form of circle, the wheel of life, smooth and flowing giving a rise to the future. The Masculine energy holds around 40 energy points whereas the feminine energy holds around 140 energy points, which makes the feminine energy much more active, fast, creative and fluid due to its basic pattern. Hence feminine energy can do much more than the masculine. But that does not mean that only having feminine energies at a high is good. It is very important to have both in balance. High activation of feminine energies can also bring in a lot of chaos and disorder due to its very nature and high energy points, where as a high activation of Masculine energy can bring in a lot of dullness and slowness in life.

The Masculine and Feminine energy patterns are seen in our daily lives in all different forms, just as the way we have our hair, the way we dress. When a man adds up flavors of feminism into his life you would see the character also some what easy going type, where as the same with the women when you see a women adding up masculine flavors you see a bit of sternness into her life.


It is very easy to identify our dominant energy as we all know the male and female basic characteristics, so if we observe a lack of one it is good to develop that part of us.

To harness the Masculine Energies one can do the following few;

  • Get into something competitive
  • Test Physical strength
  • A more guy's time
  • Take on challenges
  • Constructing Projects

To harness the Feminine Energies one can do the following few;

  • Spending time with Children
  • Creating Art work
  • Nurturing Emotions
  • Getting into Nature and connecting with Mother Earth
  • Spending more Girl's time

Also Alternate Nostril Breathing is very good to bring a balance in the two.

There is nothing right or wrong or compulsory, but when the energies are in sync we can reach the peak of our consciousness. Masculine and Feminine energies govern our lives, which one is more active in us decides our overall personality and character.

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