How Will The Earth Look Like In The Next One Million years? [Projection into the year 1002017AD)

We are all aware that the earth is over 4.5billion years old, and has been altered immensely since it was created. Even humans have changed too, and this can be attributed to evolution. But amazingly, humans in this present recognizable state of evolution, have not been around for such number of years; just about 50,000 years. But in this few years, humans have left much bigger mark than any other species. 

But the thing is; will that mark still remain in the future, and will humankind still remain the dominant specie in the next one million years?

In spirit of imagination, I welcome us to the future of the earth in a million years to come.


Believe me; asking and answering this kind of question is almost unimaginable and unfathomable, but we will start by looking at what we know. This will lead us to making some predictions into future. Let us take a look at few things that will change:

1. Landscape

No doubt, in 1million years to come, the landscape of the earth will look totally different. We all know that tectonics is constantly moving (I assume we know what plate tectonics is), there will definitely be some continental drift.

[Image Source]

Also, we are aware that the sea level is constantly rising, by the year 1002017AD so many cities will be submerged under water (from the study of the geography of the earth; New York, Sidney, and Dubai are major contenders), if nothing is done about it. But I know humankind will figure out a way to adapt to it. 

Also, judging by the global warming, Antarctica and Greenland will become very hospitable, and could become the new land of settlement for humankind, as part of the old continents may have been lost under water. 

Also, new landmass will be formed and created by actions of volcanoes. 

2. Time

Landscape is not the only thing that will change over the course of a million years, time will also change also. 

[Image Source]

Lunar tides decelerate and slow down the earth’s rotation by a very tiny fraction.

Calculating these fractions in a million years would mean that 20seconds will be added to the clock every day.

3. Humankind

This is the most important question in relation to the projection of the earth in 1million years time.

 Will humans still be present on earth, and in what state will humankind be? 

Though this is a question; not really a certainty. Before now, there have been 5 distinctive mass extinctions in the history of the earth. The first recognized mass extinction was around 440million years ago, which killed over 85% of the total life on earth. 

[Image Source]

But is there a possibility that humankind would be extinct by the year 1002017AD? 

Well, looking these factors: 

  • Wars (humans and AI)
  • Pandemics
  • Cosmic interventions (Cataclysm)

You wouldn’t be wrong to infer that; with the current trend in evolution, the future of the present humans may be very bleak. But one thing is sure, the traces and marks we left behind would still be awesomely incredible. Dinosaurs left fossils, but humankind will not just leave fossils; but “Technofossils” 

By this time, Mother Nature may have reclaimed the earth once again, and could be the beginning of a new world.

But what will this new world be home to?

No one knows, but there are speculations that it would be a beginning of another civilization. But if humankind will be able to survive the great mass extinction, we would look totally different from what we have presently. Technology will have truly taken its course, and humankind would be completely merged with machines.

[Image Source]

Also, the current population of humans on the earth is about 7billion. If there is no human extinction at all, by the year 1002017AD, the population may have increased to tens of billions. And the earth will be overpopulated, and then the option of space colonization will be pertinent.

Finally, in the next one million years, there is a possibility that we may have made contacts with Extraterrestrials. 

In conclusion, 

Even though this is a projection into the future, it is almost impossible for anyone alive today to witness the year 1002017AD, except immortality is finally achieved.

Thanks for reading

References for further reading: Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4

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