Steem thought - SteemClean

pre-altered source image - Bluesnap-43950

Steem cleaning up the world

This post is simply a kind of request for information, a tester for how an initiative like the one I'm about to suggest is received. I am not making a commitment to implement anything for now. Please do bear that in mind if you choose to vote.

We all want to live in a healthy, clean environment don't we? I'm talking about no garbage, industrial waste, toxic polutants, stuff like that. I certainly do. So I started thinking, how might Steemers go about Steem cleaning their environment and how do we scale that up to projects that leverage the latest technology, help with serious environmental issues and help those who cannot help themselves?

Start Small
I propose that if a Steemers posts evidence, video or pictures, that they have undertaken and completed any kind of Steem cleanup project of their choice, we reward that person or people with votes and Steem on the understanding that they will use the Steem Dollar rewards to fund their next Steem cleanup effort. The Steem Power they should keep for expenses and to further aid the distribution of Steem.

Steemers involved would need to be as transparent and accountable as is reasonable for how funds are utilized. No doubt some will be better at this than others and that's ok.....reputation and market forces within Steemit should quickly begin to sort the productive from those who are less so.

If a Steemer has successfully completed a SteemClean and does not wish to use the rewards to fund another project, they could transfer the Steem Dollar reward to another Steemer for their SteemClean project.

End Big
In order to tackle larger, more complex projects, greater numbers of people and funding would be required. To ensure results, a great deal more organisation, accountability and reputation would naturally be required.

One solution to funding might be that a percentage of the rewards from smaller SteemClean projects is transferred to a new SteemClean account on Steemit. This account would have multiple trusted accounts looking after it and disbursement of the funds would be controlled by multi-signatory approval. Steemers with the requisite skills and reputation could pitch larger SteemClean projects and the Steemit community can decide which project gets the next funding round.

In Summary
We can make the world a better place for everyone. We just need to find the will to do it. If we can make something like this work, Steem will be building an economy around caring for our environment and educating untold numbers of people about Steem, Steemit and what it means to be a part of something tangibly amazing.

Naturally, I intend to do a litter patrol with my family at the earliest opportunity and I will donate any Steem Dollar reward for this post to either a SteemClean account (should one be set up) or another Steemer's SteemClean project. Please don't forget to use the steemclean tag if any of this is of interest.

I would be overjoyed to read your comments or ideas for improving my suggestions or how to make this happen!

#steem #steemit #environment #health #steemclean

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