The Old Dog Presents: Our 8th SteemTradeCards for 2018! The Inspirator @sufermarly!

How awesome is this Steemer? I could tell you that she's a 10 but why not read the introduction and biographical notes written by @wofje and then come to the same conclusion yourself!

Just a Reminder:

Before having a look at this free spirited giver please note that you can see all of our 2017 cards by clicking here and all of the 2018 cards, films and project information can be seen on our @steemtradecards site!

This Steemer is Really Creating Waves! (as told by @wolfje)

People like @surfermarly are still too rare on our platform. This lady is a doer, she's someone who grabs reality by the head and says "sorry, that's not what I want it to be" and she changes it for the good. The moment I approached her, her response was, why me, what did I do to deserve a card. Especially when I told her that the previous people I did were @lukestokes, @jesta, @heimindanger & @luzcypher ... all pioneers of the platform. To me it was obvious, those guys are working towards the benefit of the platform @surfermarly shows you how you can grab your own life in your hands and make something out of it. She sees a wrong in the world and will do everything in her power to make it a right.

On the one hand it's much easier to create a card about a person like this as the material is more focused, on the other hand it's much tougher as you want to use every quote that you read in her posts. @surfermarly is an inspirator, a truly positive person who takes set-backs as a next step in the ladder of life and you can read this in every post she writes. There is so much dedication and passion in her material and as she herself confessed in one of her earliest posts "Steemit reanimated her writing passion".

As her name already gives away, this lady is a passionate surfer. She left a busy lifestyle in Germany several years back to be able to do what she likes doing most. The ocean has become her home and she is now using it to help children, or in her own words: "'Dreams of the Ocean' @dreamsoftheocean is steemit's first charity project dedicated to support kids in need through watersports activities." Here is the LINK to her impressive last post about this charity.

I hope you've been inspired by this lady as much as I have.

@wolfje (@SteemTradeCards guest writer)

Here She is @surfermarly, Someone Worth Knowing Better!

What free and happy looking image. We simply must have a closer look!

That wind swept hair and healthy smile just screams FREEDOM!

The details here drive home just how impressive @surfermarly really is!

Here's The Full Text as it Appears on The Card!


Type: Inspirator

Joined: July 2016

Location: Lanzarote

 If you want to know what the difference is between a dreamer and a realist, have a look at @surfermarly. This woman threw down her purse, took off her suit and booked a one way ticket to paradise and you can do this as well. Do you want to know how? 

Marly’s posts are full of energy, positiveness and inspiration. In one of her posts she tells us “You don't always end up where you thought you were going, but you will always end up where you are meant to be.” So get out there!


Posts: When she’s not hitting the waves she engages with 17 dudes a day!

Followers: Besides the children she’s helping, she gains 13 new stalkers a day here on the steemit platform.

Random Fact: Started her own charity @dreamsoftheocean to help children in need!

A Special Mention Goes to the Following Members!


  • @airmatti for his awesome design. I have sent him 15 Steem as part of this ongoing @steemgigs which has already paid out 100's of Steem to this talented artist. 
  • @wolfje for producing the text for this card. @wolfje will recieve 10 Steem for his awesome contribution!
  • @surpassinggoogle for the @steemgigs tag and the opportunity that it gives to so many!

Please Also Support The Animated Version of The Card

@airmatti has also    produced another cool animated version of the card which feature    original music by one of our other amazing Steemers! You can find it  at our official page @steemtradecards!

What do You Think?

  • Who would you recommend as deserving of a Steemit Trading Card?

I hope that you enjoyed this presentation of SteemTradeCards featuring the amazing @surfermarly 

Until next time,    

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

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