@STEEMUSA is here, in all of it's Red, White, N Blue Glory!

Cue the Fireworks...
@STEEMUSA is here!

( @ma1neevent original photo )

It is my pleasure to welcome the @SteemUSA group to Steemit!
You can check out their Introduction Post, Here!

The group is designed for a place for people who are either from the United States, or reside there, to network and communicate with other Americans on Steemit! Members can use the tag #steemusa on their content.

You can find the group on DISCORD

This is my entry to the first contest from @SteemUsa!

"What would I like to see come out of a community such as @Steemusa?"

FREEDOM! Liberty! Fireworks! 'Murica!

I would love to see some great content from patriotic Americans on Steemit. We love our country, and the freedoms it provides us. It would be wonderful for Americans to share the good things that happen in the United States for the rest of the world to see. We may not always get the best rep around the globe for our various reasons, but there are many, many wonderful, hard working people with good hearts here in the US.

We are proud of our people, our country, and our Veterans. I hope to see many posts that can help feature the amazing things about America here on Steemit! It will be great to have a place for people from the US to come together and chat, network, and socialize together. Maybe even plan a US Steemit Meetup of sorts!

God bless America!

I will personally be sharing my photography of the beautiful American nature scenes I get to see here in New England, USA! I plan to share my experiences with you of the wonderful things that can be seen in my neck of the woods!

Here's a few samples of some Beautiful Scenic American Views I have been able to capture...

(all photos are originals by @Ma1neEvent taken in the USA)

I hope the @SteemUSA group becomes fun place for those of us who love the USA to interact!

Thank you, and shout out to @topkpop, @gniksivart, @tattoodjay, @dswigle, and @bearone for helping to start this project! USA! USA! USA!

I pledge allegiance, To the Flag, of the United States of America... and to the Republic, for which it stands, One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice, for all.



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