What's That Smell?! Roasted Jay!!


A Jay is a blue bird, but not a charming little bluebird of happiness.


A Jay does not sing, it squawks - makes a helluva racket. It flits from nest to nest, scavenging what it can for dinner because it never learned to cook for itself. If it were human it would be living in its mother's basement raiding her refrigerator in the middle of the night believing she never notices. She notices. What is a mother to do?

Here on steemit we have our own Jay, a tattooed one. Rumor is he tattooed his blues away, I don't know... I have never heard him even attempt to sing so I think it is safe to assume he squawks and makes a helluva racket. We have all been put in danger of finding out by @simgirlandsnook hosting the new Bad Karaoke challenge. Honestly, I am not sure what those ladies were thinking, but we can roast them later. We have bigger birds to fry right now.

Our little @tattoodjay flits from post to post, dropping votes like bird turds. One here, another there, a little squirt yonder... what a mess! And what does he cook up for his own blog? Stunning photos he CLAIMS are his, but I mean... this is a Jay, a scavenger... he probably got them off google, or out of his mother's refrigerator in the middle of the night.

Seriously, how does a BIRD run a camera? I am calling you out, dude. I am on to you, and I am telling the world... There is no way you can fly around with a tripod and camera. You are either not a bird or not a photographer and it is time for you to CONFESS! Repent while there is still time!!

OK... I was going to end with a made up recipe for "Roasted Blue Jay" but then curiousity hit and I had to see if google could find me a real one. What I found was an article that, in the context I have created above, I thought was hilarious so I am linking it here.

Thanks for sticking your neck our for everyone's entertainment @tattoodjay!

In case you do not know why I would do such a silly post, please take a look at the game being hosted by @steemusa, then tell us how YOU roast a Jay!


The photos are from a set of tiles that were my mothers. They were the birds I grew up with, and now rarely see. Here are the other two in the set:




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