The Fractal Clock Exhibition, Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Wales

I was extremely fortunate to see this art installation by chance this morning.

It was barely 9:30 am and the Arts Centre had just opened. I popped in briefly to get a couple of leaflets and the door to this exhibition room was strangely closed but it said 'open', so I thought 'oh, that must be good then; better check it out'...

This was the welcome :

Richard Downing is behind this work which combines fractal concepts, geometry, motors and perspective to offer this moving piece...

I found it moving in more ways than one... Each of the 81 pieces literally moves and aligns to a specific point. There is a seat where after 'an hour' the shape takes place... The final shape was quite visible already.

Why so moving ? Each shape was originally made of slate and then cast in glass so the final piece offers transparency. I appreciate and admire the artist's 5-year journey (including all the calculations made to make it all work and line up perfectly).

After a 40 minute drive home I got both @jen0revision and @tinygalaxy in the car to visit the exhibition (which is open until 8 May). I needed to pick up @mivstar anyway, but the exhibition was too good to be missed. Incidentally, @mivstar had already seen it and thought it was great 😎.

We live in the middle of nowhere countryside and often good ideas or art don't get to us... So we have to make a big effort and get to them instead.

I felt privileged to have seen it and learnt a lot. Incidentally the photo was taken by @tinygalaxy as I couldn't take good photos at the time.

Here's a video I found where Richard Downing explains what's behind his work.

Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DE
Ceredigion, Wales
Phone : 01970 623232

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