Steem Wars: Crews, Assemble! Start Date Announced.

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Last week I proposed a community event in which participants will join forces with other Steemians to boldly go on space adventures together. The universe will be a mash up of sci-fi themes and crossovers from whatever franchises Steem Warriors deem fit. The main focus of Steem Wars is humor and community and blockchain interactions, forging new friendships and alliances along the way.

I am happy to report there was a lot of interest and several people have already joined the Steem Wars channels on @thewritersblock's discord server here. We are still fleshing out guidelines for the event but would like to see crews / teams formed in preparation for launch.

Speaking of launch, this will be on Monday May 14th. That gives nine days for people to get together and flesh out their characters and crews. They can be based on parodies of existing sci-fi characters if you wish, but this is certainly not fan-fiction. For example if you wish to be a wide-eyed farmboy from the outer reaches of the Empire you can do that, but call him something different like Duke Cloudtalker who grew up on the planet TattoedBean.

Writing is not the only way to participate. Artists can take part, capturing scenes from crews adventures. Maybe you're a graphic artist and wish to create a comic? Go right ahead. Maybe poetry is more your thing? Again, welcome aboard. If you wish to share some background stories or artwork in the meantime, feel free. We will encourage participants to support each other through upvotes and comments.

Crews will be handed the first rough assignments and goals to reach on May 14th - what happens along the way is up to them. Each round will last a week.

So if you wish to take part in Steem Wars, hop on over to @thewritersblock Discord server here and tell the greeters that you wish to participate. You will be given the #SteemWars role which then gives you access to the relevant channels.

Use 'Recruitment' to form crews / teams of between 4 and 6 members and work out between you in DMs your roles / characters etc. The 'War Room' is private, used to run the event. 'The Temple' is where guidelines / rules will be placed. 'Mess Hall is for general chat and 'The Chronicles' is a place to drop Steem Wars only links to share.

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Are you a writer or keen to learn? Do you wish to join a community of like-minded individuals who can help hone your writing skills in the fields of fiction, non-fiction, technical, poetry, or songwriting? Join us at The Writers' Block by clicking the logo below.

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