A Call to All Steemians: Please Help Support @steemchiller and SteemWorld!

Taking a little bit different approach in today's post, because I believe in the idea of "Pay It Forward" and I am feeling hopeful that my fellow Steemians — from Redfish to Whales — subscribe to similar values.

Do You Use SteemWorld.org?

SteemWorld user interface for my account...

One of the more widely used helper apps for Steemit is SteemWorld.org. Independently developed by @steemchiller, the app is one of the most comprehensive and easy-to-use Steemit enhancements you could ask for. It offers a wealth of information about your account and activity, and combines loads of features in one place... features we used to have to retrieve from multiple apps, including (but not limited to):

Tracking posts, comments and replies
Tracking pending author rewards
Tracking pending curation rewards
Tracking votes and flags; both yours and other people's, to you
Tracking followers; tracking mentions
Tracking delegations

And much more, including a great range of sophisticated search tools.

With the appropriate permissions, you can even vote manually, vote for witnesses and more — all from inside the SteemWorld user interface!

If you're not already familiar with — and using — SteemWorld, you really ought to check it out, as it makes a lot of other helper apps obsolete.

And here's a bonus factoid for you: In its relatively short life, SteemWorld seems to be able to maintain almost 100% uptime!

You can use it to see if anyone mentioned you in a post or comment...

The Issue at Hand, and Why YOUR Help is Needed!

@steemchiller developed SteemWorld independently, on his own time, with his own funds. Although it's a very widely used app, he has received NO support from Steemit, Inc. or from any of the other large support organizations on Steemit.

Meanwhile, he patiently has kept adding new features, and has kept hosting the app at his own expense... including the cost of skyrocketing bandwidth costs as SteemWorld keeps growing in popularity.

The other day, @steemchiller posted an appeal; a statement that he would need to start posting weekly "update posts" just to help fund his expenses to keep SteemWorld running.

Here I am getting a listing of expected future curation rewards...

Something Important to Keep in Mind

What I think many people do NOT realize is that @steemchiller is NOT one of the "early adapters" who was here at the beginning of Steemit, nor is he "some rich whale" with endless resources from hundreds of thousands of SP invested.

In fact, he's just a "large Minnow" like many of us.

SteemWorld was developed simply to create a better Steemit experience, for ALL of us.

And now it's time for all of us to step up and reciprocate; show a little gratitude for a great service that many of us — perhaps — take for granted and use without a second thought given to where it came from.

So I'm asking those who read this to take a quick break from collecting @steemmonsters or worrying about the next World Cup game, and throw a little support to SteemWorld.

What You Can DO to Help!

At the very least, go upvote the first "Weekly Support Post!" That'll cost you nothing! 

If you're a regular SteemWorld user (or even if you aren't!) and find the app useful... send @steemchiller a Steem/SBD or two to help keep things going!

Last, but not least, the inevitable Curator Cat selfie (aka: "proof-of-cat")!

Give THIS post a stout upvote! I AM TAKING NO CASH REWARDS from this post; when this closes all liquid Steem/SBD rewards will be transferred to @steemchiller, towards SteemWorld expenses.

Resteem the heck out of this post! Let's see if we can't catch the eye of someone(s) with some serious voting power! And if you happen to be a large dolphin/orca/whale who sees this... surely you can shake loose ONE of those $10, $25, $50 votes towards an initiative that adds value to the Steemit experience for thousands of people  every day!?!? 

Allrighty. I think that's where I am going to stop for today. Seriously, though... please consider ACTING on the above! Considering how much support there often is for somewhat sketchy (meaning "of doubtful value") initiatives here on Steemit, how about we take a moment to support something that's already proven and working?

Have a beautiful day! 


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