- The public steem api cluster

A load balanced, SSL-secured, multi-region steem api cluster brought to you by @xeroc and @jesta.

After a few conversations with @xeroc, we decided to join forces to start the first cluster of community API servers for anyone to use in their projects. This API cluster is the same kind that powers piston, steemstats, and even

Our goal is to provide infrastructure to the community (and it's projects) that is reliable and resilient. - the public steem api cluster is run on top of multiple levels of load balancing - latency based DNS routing to the appropriate data center, and nginx based load balancing from the server to the API. It also has automatic failover (within ~30s) if the host you're connecting to goes down.

The initial members of this cluster are the servers that power and, both setup with the same full featured configuration required for steem based applications.

Currently the cluster has servers located in 2 regions, the US and the EU, and will hopefully be expanding into more regions in the near future.

These servers have the following plugins enabled:

  • database_api
  • login_api
  • market_history_api
  • tags_api
  • follow_api

Get Involved

This is a community run project, so we want others to get involved! There are a number of ways you can help out with the project:

  • By contributing server resources to this steem cluster.
  • Analyzing our networking setup and recommending improvements.
  • Helping us find a way to distribute SSL certificates to all hosts securely.
  • Creating applications to help monitor the status of the service + metrics.
  • Helping coordinate upgrade cycles when new steem features are released (reputation?).
  • Building projects for the steem community.

That last one really doesn't help, but what helps steem helps all of us!

If you fit into any of these categories, please reach out to one of us via steemit or through our new channel in


The use of this API server is on a best-effort basis. Do not rely on it's accuracy and availability. We may, in our sole discretion and without cost to you, with or without prior notice and at any time, modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any portion of our Services. You agree that we are not responsible or liable for Third-Party Content and that you access and use Third-Party Content at your own risk. Your interactions with Third-Party Content are solely between you and the third party providing the content.

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