[Steepshot] Overdue books nightmare 過期書惡夢

I always dream of having overdue books for a long time. Like a book late for over years. And the penalty reaches an astronomical number. The worst one was I moved to Japan years ago and still dreamed of it that I forget to return books before I leave Hong Kong... This nightmare appeared since the public library started the online renewal service. Renew every 2 weeks and maximum 5 times until no more renewal quota left... In the university, the borrow period is one month and maximum 3 times as I remember. Longer loan period means I had a larger chance to forget about it. This Sunday I have 2 books waiting for return. God bless me.

我常發夢夢見過期還書,像過期幾年之類。然後罰款到達天文數字。這種夢最差的情況是幾年前到日本長旅行時夢見自己有書未還,因為一時三刻不能解決,在夢裡也急死了。這個過期惡夢始於公共圖書館提供網上續借服務,每兩星期更新一次,上限五次續借。大學時借一次三十天,續借上限(好像)三次。這更糟糕,越長借書期代表遺忘的機會大大增加... 這星期日有兩本書要還,希望記得。

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