@fulltimegeek's #stewardsofgondor - Weekly delegate engagement and sub-delegation stats!

In a selfless act of monumental proportions, @fulltimegeek has delegated his Steem Power to 54 accounts in order to help curate, engage, and support communities across Steemit.

This delegated Steem Power does not end there though, as you will see below.

If you have received an up-vote from myself, or anyone else in the following list over the past month or so, then you have @fulltimegeek to thank for the much larger vote you have been gifted.

If you wish to know 'why?' someone would loan out this Steem Power, you can find out here.

For some of us, this Steem Power delegation has been running for 3 months now - this is a million dollars plus of delegated Steem. Just amazing!


Paying it Forward - Steward Delegations!

Finally, and with some help from @eastmael (thank you!) from the blockchainbi community, I can present a list of Steward delegations.

The date of delegation shown is the latest date of delegated SP to the account, and so if you 'topped up' an original delegation, the first date of delegation to the same account isn't displayed here. (If you use https://steemworld.org/ and check Delegations (Out) from the left menu, I believe you will see the date of the original delegation)

The SP amounts to 'family/personal' accounts have been changed to '0', for myself and @carlgnash (because these are the accounts I am aware of), as I wanted to 'fairly' total the amount going out to 'unrelated' members of the community.

Firstly, do you think this is a good idea/fair? And, if you have any accounts you'd like to 0 (following SoG discussions), please let me know.

Feedback here would be appreciated, thank you!

More on this later in the post :)

To the next set of numbers we go!


Steward Statistics


Name: Steem Username
Posts: Number of Top level posts in the past 7 days
Comments: Number of comments made in the past 7 days
Com_len: Total character length of all comments (excluding posts)
Wit_v: Number of Witnesses voted for
Votes: Total number of votes made in the past 7 days
Unique_v: Total number of unique authors who received a vote in the past 7 days
Down_v: Number of down-votes made in the past 7 days
Self_v: Number of self-votes made in the past 7 days
Self_v_%: Percentage of Steem Power used on self-votes in the past 7 days

(@crimsonclad witness proxy @followbtcnews)
Data extracted from @arcange's SteemSQL DB at 11:00 am (UTC) 15th February 2018.

@arcange's SteemSQL is now a paid service and so the support of these blogs (which has been the case since the beginning) is very much appreciated. Thank you!

Weekly totals

InteractionThis weekLast wk2 wks ago3 wks ago4 wks ago5 wks ago6 wks ago
Unique votes1084111229108411026410433110259711

Stats and Star Stewards

The 'Comments' total is on the rise again, and this week we have the lowest ever number of Self-votes!


Well done to @cranium who has made over 500 comments this past week - top interacting! Special mention to @lyndsaybowes who is only 8 short at the time the stats were compiled and has probably hit 500 now too!

@taskmaster4450 has his crown back again by typing 100927 characters worth of comments - hail keyboards! @c0ff33a an honorable 2nd with 96519 characters.

@coolguy123, @abh12345, @lyndsaybowes, @crimsonclad, @hitmeasap, and @howtostartablog have all handed out 1000+ votes this past week - up-vote legends! @coolguy123 handing out 2507 votes in a single week deserves a special mention here!

Again, @coolguy123 and @howtostartablog - Master stewards of goodwill to all with over 1000 unique Steemians reached with votes this past week - sharing the love!


Stewards, how do you think you've done this week?


This last week has been the first week I've not voted for myself once. It took a lot of restraint not to press the vote button, especially when the post could have perhaps hit 'hot' with my vote (and potentially reach more viewers).

However, due to the support of the Stewards and a one account in particular, my post value has been very similar to recent weeks. Thank you!

I shall continue with this approach and see how it goes :)


Looking at some of the members who are doing a grand job by delegating out pretty much all their own Steem Power, I think I could do more here.

As previously, I'll be using the Curation League post (League 2) to look for top engagers to support with delegated SP.

Well done to all 0 self-voters and delegators!

Thank you @fulltimegeek!

@fulltimegeek is back and posting from various rooms in his house, watch out for the Lizards!!

Again the delegations have been reshuffled which shows he is watching :D Beware the hammer, and good luck to potential new delegates.

Thank you so much @fulltimegeek for your continued support to myself, the SoG, and every account on the Steem Blockchain that has received the benefit of your kindness.


Until next time, Steem on Stewards!

Asher @abh12345

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