Buzzing Around Mentoring
A few weeks ago, I was chatting with @davemccoy about his newbieresteemday initiative and somehow he came up with a weekly posting on Monday called Dear Dawne; which is a place for new steemians looking for some guidance, advice and basic/general help learning to format their posts or even how to add more quality to the posts they're making.
Every Sunday into Monday I send him some tips to share- last week was about basic Do's and Don't's on steemit.
This coming week I am talking about tags; what to do, how to determine what to use and how to search for keywords. So if you're new to steemit, watch for @davemccoy's Dear Dawne post in the next couple of days.
Onto the mentoring- I have been answering questions in my homesteaders Discord group for a couple of months now and have really been enjoying it; and when Dave and I chatted about helping his initiative, it got me thinking as to how can I help more of his/these new steemians. So I started looking at some of the members and the tag newbieresteemday and I found @myscrible.
@myscrible posts about farming, gardening, growing food as a community and getting involved with projects. I kept an eye on her posts and knew immediately what I was going to do. I connected with her on Discord chat the other day and she has agreed to let me mentor her one-on-one over the next couple of months; with a GREAT expectation come April Or May 2018.
I am SUPER excited to start mentoring her on Monday!
We'll be working on posts, topics and how she can advance on steemit; as she is here LONG TERM! Music to my ears!
I will have more details on the Buzzing Around Mentoring in the coming weeks. Once a month I will be adding a new person to be Buzzing Around Mentoring... so keep an eye out in March.
Valentine's Day: Stewards Of Gondor Love Continues To Be Spread
I have been celebrating holidays and continue right into February with a Valentine's Day Stewards Of Gondor Envelope! In the past I have done Secret Santa, the Clucky Chicken New Year and, most recently, the January Into February Thaw (which ends Sunday February 4). So starting Monday, if you see this comment in your post, head over to your wallet to see what we have given you for this romantic holiday! This event will continue until February 14, 2018.
It's ALMOST Valntine's Day! And this Stewards Of Gondor is spreading the LOVE! Your post has been chosen to receive some this LOVE! Please accept this special surprise on behalf of @goldendawne, the Stewards Of Gondor and @fulltimegeek's delegation! Please check your wallet for a LOVE-ly tip!