The First 2 Golden Ambassador Delegations Are Announced

The First Two Golden Ambassadors' Delegations Are Announced

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What Is A Golden Ambassador?

It's not so much what, but rather who. I have spent the last few weeks watching, stalking and peeking (just this side of the law, thank you very much) and looking for what criteria I believe is what makes a good ambassador.

Now the definition of ambassador, according to Merrian-Webster's website is as follows:

an authorized representative or messenger

So I started my process... and these are the questions I asked and looked for answers to among all the people I have come across every day.

  • Does the steemian make regular posts?
  • Are these posts good quality with original content?
  • Does this steemian belong to the homesteading/gardening community that I am attempting to uplift into the steemit visibility of trending of hot topics?
  • Does this steemian comment and reply daily? To their own posts? What about others' comments?
  • What is the interaction among this steemian with the steemit community as a whole?
  • Is this steemian active on Discord?
  • Does this steemian go out of his or her way to help others?

Oh, the questions and determining criteria could give you a headache!

I wanted a steemian who will guide newcomers, make people feel welcome in our community and still be able to be noticeable as a dedicated steemian.

I do have other criteria, that I will keep to myself, as to what the steemian needs to have and be... I like a little mystery. But what you see here is about the gist of it all.

When I received the Stewards Of Gondor delegation from @fulltimegeek in November 2017 and again a second delegation just last week, I was speechless, honored and READY for more action.
I had already started my process of picking out who I wanted to start with. Well, to be honest I had three steemians.

But getting past the hurdle of delegations was the problem. But I conquered it... Oh yes I did!

So.. two are being announced here officially and the third steemian will be finding out this week...

Who is The First Golden Ambassador?


Karen's page and profile says, "working towards a healthier, self sustaining, happier life. urban farming, raising chickens, bee keeping, and cannabis/hemp are passions of mine..."

So congratulations @karenfoster... Ready for some exciting times on steemit?

Who is The Second Golden Ambassador?



His page and profile says, "Believer, Loving Husband, Theoretical-Spiritualist, Homesteader, Vlogger, and all around Perspective Sower! "

Ready to make some GREAT steemit action?

I have narrowed down my third person. BE on the LOOK out!

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