Only one in two people is financially confident – retirement provisions are a worry

  • Swiss Life has released the results of a survey of retirement saving by 4,200 Swiss, German, French, Austrian and British nationals.

  • Highlights include: only 46% are confident about their current financial situation; 42% are worried about not having enough money in retirement; 32% lack confidence in their national pension system. In terms of responsibility for retirement savings, 75% believe it is the individual’s, 44% the state’s.

  • Significantly, 80% are prepared to adjust their current lifestyle in order to maintain the desired standard of living in retirement; half are prepared to save more for retirement; 40% are prepared to retire later.

  • The Swiss are the most confident/best prepared; the French are the least.


  • Another day, another pensions survey and the message remains the same – less than half the people surveyed are confident that they will have saved sufficient for retirement.

  • The most likely solution to this material retirement savings gap is for consumers to save more today or consume less tomorrow. The survey supports this view.

  • The winners in this scenario are the asset management industry and to a lesser extent, the insurers. The losers are the (discretionary) consumer businesses where future growth rates are likely to disappoint.

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