Henry - a Short Story

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The sound of Henry crying was too much for her to bear. How many days had they been at the hospital now?
It all started with a visit of her husband’s with his best friend - a doctor. Well, he used to be a doctor, but he didn’t want to practice anymore. The responsibility was way too much for him. That is what he said. She thought that he was just a bit too crazy to function as a physician should.
Still, he had all the training and had practiced for many years and he couldn’t tell that his daughter had the measles?
And her husband thought it was okay to let the kids play with someone obviously not feeling well?
A few days later, all three, one after another had gotten sick. She didn’t believe in vaccinating the kids too much. Polio - yes, of course. Smallpox - not necessary anymore, but that would have been a yes.
But measles. She had them as a kid and so did everyone she knew.
The two older kids were sick for a few days, fever and all. Then they got better. But Henry, her sweet little baby Henry who she always worried about - even before he was born, he didn’t get better.
The fever was burning him up and her homeopathic doctor was out of town. Anything and everything she tried did not work.
She bundled up her baby, her love, and drove full of anguish to the hospital.
The first doctor they saw treated her like she was an idiot. The next one understood that she only wanted the best for her child.
When Henry started crying she cried with him. But a part of her knew that everything was going to be okay now. He was strong enough to cry.

This is an contribution to this initiative by @swissclive

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