Mysterious Death of Group of Tourists (Group of Dyatlov) in the North Ural, at the "Mountain of the Dead" 57 years ago. The cause has not been established yet. Part I. True Story +18

Mysterious Death of Group of Tourists (Group of Dyatlov) in the North Ural, at the "Mountain of the Dead" 57 years ago. The cause has not been established yet. Part I. True Story +18

When I learnt about this story I couldn't sleep for several nights. I was reading and watching movies about that incident. I tried to find the cause of these awful deaths in different sources. My friends and me even had a meeting to discuss what could cause to the death of 9 people 57 years ago. Their death is surrounded by many gossips and legends.

The tourist group with the leader Igor Dyatlov started their skiing trip in January 1959. In the beginning there were 8 men and 2 women. One member of the group couldn't continue the trip because of radiculitis distress and this saved his life. The members of the group were young but rather experienced, especially their leader. Their aim was to climb the mountain Otorten (from manci language it means "Don't go there").

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Rescue Operation

When the group didn't come back at the expected time, a search and rescue operation was started.
First they found the tent covered with snow at the bottom of the mountain Khlotchakhl that means "Mountain of the Dead". The tent was investigated and there was a cut made from the inside. All items including money, cameras, clothes etc were there.

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The footprints around the tent showed that the whole group left the tent for unknown reasons and not through the exit but through the cut they made. They left the tent without shoes and partially dressed at -30C. The tracks showed that first they ran and after 20 meters they walked in socks close to each other.

Bodies found

Next day the rescue team discovered 2 bodies. it was determined that one man had burnt feet and hair. Another one had burns on the left leg and foot and the tip of his nose was missing. Next to them traces of a fire was found. The arms were covered with many wounds, internal organs overflowed with blood. Both men were in underwear.

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The bodies were found next to a tree which branches were broken on the height of 5 meters as somebody was hanging on them. Blood was found on the bark.
There were also cuts on young silver firs and birches but there was no confirmation that they were burnt. Neither the cut off tree tops nor a knife were found.

In about 300 meters from them the body of the Igor Dyatlov, leader of the group was found. He was in clothes but in different socks. The internals were filled with blood.

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In about 330 meters the body of the girl was discovered. She was dressed in warm clothes but without shoes. On her face there were signs of a nose bleeding. There were many wounds on her hands and back and a brain edema.

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In several days they found the body one more man. He was warmly dressed with one valenok ( Russian winter boots made of felt) on the right leg in 4 socks. There was ice on his face and the signs of a nose bleeding.
The facial color of the three last people was orange - red.

The search of the rest members of the group lasted from February to May. And only after the snow melted they find traces which pointed them in the right direction.
They found a floor made of 15 trees and some clothes at a depth of 2,5 m. There were 4 spots on the floor which showed that four people had been there.

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The bodies were found under a 4 metes layer of snow. First a girl was discovered. She was standing on her knees with her face burrowed in the waterfall of a creek.

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Three other bodies were found later. Two men were laying in a hugging position "chest to back", another one was in the water.

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There were parts of clothes on the bodies. It was suspected that the clothes belonged to the first two men found. One of the men had 2 watches. The bodies had traumas inflicted when still alive. Clothes were ripped apart and burnt.

Mostly they had broken ribs, one men and one girl didn't have eye - balls. The girl was also missing her tongue and upper lip.

Later research confirmed that these traumas could be inflicted with very strong force like being struck by a car moving at very high speed or by a blast of some kind. It could not be inflicted by being hit by a rock by another person as there were no soft tissues damages.

The main unexplainable questions:

  • Why did they freeze as they had fire and warm clothes?
  • Why did they go down the slope but not towards the base?
  • Why were they together in the beginning but died at the different time and the different places?
  • What did they make a cut in the tent and left it at -30C without normal clothes and shoes?
  • What did disturb them to come back to the tent and pick up clothes and walked it 1,5 km?
  • How could they sustain such heavy traumas in the snow?

There are many more questions but there are no answers yet.

The main versions

— snow slide
— group removal by military or special services
— sound impact
— attack of escaped prisoners
— death from mansi
— fight between group members
— killed by secret weapon test
— paranormal versions

I plan to tell you more about these explanations in detail in my next post.

Today the mountain keeps taking the lives of adrenaline seekers.

I will be very happy if you follow me!

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