Shock: chick from the other side

 Today we experienced a real shock!
But first I have to explain something. You probably know that the business of producing chicken meat is very cruel. And this begins with the moment when the chicks hatch from the eggs. Only females are left alive, and the males ... are utilized. 

 These utilized (dead) chicks we buy for feeding storks. 

 Storks feed on animal food (chicks, mice, snakes, frogs). So nature is arranged and nothing can be done about it. I would never be able to feed them with live animals or chicks, so we buy these utilized chickens at the poultry farm. 

 Today I brought four boxes and my husband began to pack them and put them in the freezer. After a while, I heard that he was calling me. "If someone wants to live, he will survive," he said. He had a chicken in his hands! 

 I could not understand where the chicken came from! I  could not even think that the chicken could survive after being tried  to kill at a poultry farm, showered by other dead chickens, drove many  kilometers...

 Now he is sitting in the incubator in my room and chirping loudly. I wanted to photograph him for you, but my husband did not allow me, he told me to wait until morning. 

 If everything goes well with him, I will call him Petrovich, in honor of my beloved rooster, who died two months ago.  


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