Tales of a lake. Romantic #1


The full moon hung suspended by invisible strings over the tops of the distant mountains. All of the clouds had been swept from the sky by an invisible hand. The stars twinkled their message of the untold expanses of the universe that remained to be explored by man.

He had just finished stowing the last of the supplies they would need on their voyage when she glanced at him from the galley. She paused and again admired her lover. He was not rugged in his looks, there was just something about him that caught your attention if you took the time to notice. She thought to herself, “He doesn’t realize how handsome he is.” He wasn’t insecure in his looks, he just carried himself with a quiet confidence that most people misunderstood until they got to know him.

She giggled to herself as she watched him. It was one of those secret pastimes she enjoyed so much. It didn’t matter when or where she spied on him, she thought silently to herself, “ He looks equally sexy just getting out of the shower, or wearing his favorite jeans and t-shirt, or dressed in his best suit, ready to close a deal.” She held those snap shots of him in her memories like secret treasures.

She wandered back in her mind to the beginning of it all … they had met and sent messages back and forth to one another. She remembered wondering what his voice would sound like the first time they spoke. A familiar feeling returned as she relived that first conversation they’d shared. She had expected the usual and was completely unprepared for what he had in store. After they had spoken for a time, he said he had a surprise for her. He began to read her a letter he had written. As his words flowed from his heart, she was drawn into a magical place. She felt the sincerity and the thoughtfulness from which he spoke. His words spoken with soft tones and a sultry pace drew her into a new realm. After the memory had passed a feeling of contentment washed over her like waves lapping softly at a sandy beach somewhere in a lost paradise. She was finally going have him all to herself.

After the houseboat was loaded, fueled and stocked with supplies, the lines holding them to the world were cast away and the two lovers set off across the open expanse of the lake in search of their private paradise. It couldn’t have been more beautiful, the moon escorting them across the lake with its reflection. The only sound floating across the water was the soft lapping of the waves against the bow as they made headway into the stillness of the evening.

As he sat at the wheel, guiding their floating getaway for two across the lake, he felt himself begin to relax as he let the day to day burdens of life fall from his shoulders. He hoped that the time they planned to spend together, just the two of them, wouldn’t be interrupted by any of dozen circumstances that had spoiled their adventures before. It was then he remembered the agreement he’d made to leave business at the dock. Determined to keep his word, he took another sip of the drink she’d thoughtfully prepared for him. The plans for this excursion had been carefully made. In his mind he reviewed the plans, preparations and the surprises that were in store. He fixed his gaze on a distant spot as his mind contemplated the possibilities.

Lost in his imagination he was unaware that she had silently glided to his side. “Would you like a refill?” She asked. “Everything is ready. When do we arrive Captain?” She said with a lilt in her voice. The moonlight cast soft beams across her form. He turned and soaked in the vision, as he looked at her from head to toe. He noticed her curves and lines, the smile on her face and slightest hint of mischief dancing her eyes. The moon light added highlights to her hair, but it was her silhouette that stirred him the most. He reached for her hand, when he touched her; a silent message was sent sizzling through the atmosphere, it had just instantly gone from warm to HOT. A short time later, after his pulse retreated, he found himself gently nudging the throttles on their floating getaway, hoping that they would arrive at their destination just that much sooner.

She returned to the nicely furnished bedroom in the houseboat. She had been pleasantly surprised when she walked through the craft for the first time and noticed all of the amenities. This houseboat was nothing like the ones she had seen as a little girl. She felt the vibrations change and noticed their private floating bungalow picking up speed. Anticipation continued bubbling up within her.

She knew he had carefully planned this outing for her, he’d kept hinting at something special. Even better, he had anticipated well. He knew she would love the feeling of solitude and privacy that the expansive lake provided. The best part was they had the entire boat to themselves. She was going to enjoy not being confined to a single room.
She smiled at herself thought, “You’re not the only one with a few surprises.” She went to her luggage and gathered a few items that she would need, hopefully soon. She had noticed the lingering tension in his face and body, and was certain that the new massage techniques that she had learned would be just what the doctor ordered. She laughed at herself again, thinking, “I’m going to surprise him for change.”

The stillness of the morning and the peacefulness of the lake lulled them into sleeping late. A boat of morning revelers sped past the entrance to the cove that became their oasis the night before. She awoke when the waves of the wake rolled past and softly rocked their bungalow and continued on until they lapped at the shore.

The windows were open letting in the pristine air. Still gently resting in his arms, she let out a sigh of contentment and looked out at the sky. The dawn, long since past, had given way to another spectacular day. The clouds reflected the deep blue-green of the lake combined with the rays of the sun. The pastel hues metamorphosed in a constantly changing kaleidoscope of colors as they traveled across the morning sky. The winged residents of the sky circled lazily, riding the imperceptible drafts of the light breezes flowing across the lake.

Her attention turned back to the man sleeping at her side. At that moment, there was nowhere on earth that she would rather be than here, alone, with him. His features were relaxed, peaceful and maybe even contented. She contemplated her choices, the decision was tough. She wanted to soak up every available second with him but she also knew how much extra effort it had taken to make the arrangements. He stirred ever so slightly and her mind was made up.

To be continued.....

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