My Life in Law Enforcement: A True Life Story #1

Hey guys! I'm pleased to announce that I will be starting something that I have been putting off for quite some time now, writing about my life just before getting in to law enforcement and and the adventures and journey during my career.

This is something that I have been wanting to do for a very long time but I always just kept putting it off, until now. I'm not a professional writer by no stretch of the imagination but I have so many stories to tell, I want to write them down and share them while I can still remember them, or at least most of them. I have hundreds of my old case files in my filing cabinet from several years ago. I kept copies of the files for two specific reasons. When I was in rookie school, a respected instructor of mine made a comment about saving your files because you might want to write a book about your career one day and those files would come in extremely handy for refreshing the memory. That comment stuck with me and I saved the majority of my cases. The other reason that I saved all of the copies was because it was just more efficient when going to court. If I didn't make a copy of my files, I would have to go to the office before court to make copies and that just didn't make good sense to me. Plus, the night before court, I would go through all of my cases just to make sure that all of my ducks were in a row. I have seen what happens when an officer isn't prepared for court and it's not pretty. I'm thankful that I kept all of the files because even though I can remember most of the major incidents, there's several things that have faded away.

The content that I will write about will be absolutely true to the best of my knowledge and recollection. Naturally I will change some of the names but not all. Although, I'm not quite sure of the legal responsibility I have when it comes to writing about some of the arrestees or prisoners. I could simplify it by just changing the names of anyone that I write about. But when it comes to some of the more violent offenders like murders or cartel members, I think using their real names will add a certain level of enticement to my stories. Also, the reader would be able to research the subjects mentioned further if they wished to do so. This is something I definitely need to look in to.
(If anyone has any knowledge or experience with this topic, please feel free to leave a comment.)

What to expect? All the meat and potatoes plus the extra sides! I will try not to leave anything out when it comes to narrating a particular incident. That means that some parts may be pretty "raw" for some readers. I will use the exact verbiage that was used by everyone involved, so there will be some rough language in certain parts. Another thing to be mindful of is that I will be describing certain crime scenes and incidents in FULL DETAIL later on. I'm letting you guys know all of this ahead of time just in case someone may be easily offended or sensitive to things that one might see at a major crime scene, vehicle accident, etc. etc. I will also try to add some photos throughout this journey. I also have some videos of my car chases and things that I will try to edit and upload later on.

I hope that everyone will enjoy reading my story. I've gotten a lot of support in the past about doing this so I hope not to disappoint. @bluelightbandit

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