One Simply Does Not Drop In On The Bandit Unannounced, A True Story!

So here's a little incident that happened to me last night that I feel like sharing with you guys. Yesterday was kind of a blah day for me. The most exciting part was trying to take a selfie for a challenge @papa-pepper is hosting. I'm in the process of switching some of my utility services around which is becoming somewhat of a headache.

Well, I had an appointment at 1700 hours to have one of my services upgraded and the install window was an hour so the tech could have showed up anywhere between 5pm and 6pm. As I said earlier, I wasn't feeling so hot and with my past experiences with installation guys, I just wasn't feeling it and thought I would see if I could change my appointment to a later day. I called my service provider at 1500 hours and they were more than willing to accommodate me with the appointment change.

So I continued to do what I was doing which was lying on the bed, wondering how I was going to solve the worlds problems on my own. During my state of meditation, I also had several deep thoughts by Jack Handy but can't really remember any of them. Does that ring a bell to anyone? So anyways, as I'm lying there in my own little world, I hear my dog barking. I recognize the bark as "someone is close, daddy" and I get up and look out the window and see there is a vehicle in the neighbors driveway. No big deal so I return to my preferred position and try to re-establish the inner peace that I had before.

Guard Dog At Full Attention Ready For Command!

The time now is 2000 hours (8pm), the dog's bark increases with violence and excitement and then my phone rings! I see it's my neighbor on the caller ID so I'm thinking something must be wrong. I answered the phone and it's the female of the house and she asks, "Do you know who is in your driveway?" I responded by telling her no and asking her why. She stated that the vehicle in question was just in her driveway, almost took down their mailbox and has been driving up and down the road slowly looking suspicious. I told her that I would be outside in 10 seconds!

Okay, this is what I live for! It's GO TIME bebe, pure adrenaline! You're probably thinking to yourself "What are you getting so excited about, it could be several harmless scenarios?" BUT it could also be a dangerous situation also! I live my life keeping one important thing constantly in the back of my head all of the time and it's "I'm not going to be a victim of a crime if I can help it!" I have seen way too many things in my life to let my guard down now. I've answered way too many home invasion and burglary calls to let my guard down now. I have arrested hundreds of people and sent many to prison that might want a taste of revenge on the ol' Bandito. I've sent gang members to spend the remainder of their lives in federal prison so call me paranoid if you want to, but I don't feel paranoid at all. This has become a way of life for me and it's normal. I have a gun on me everywhere I go, even when I'm mowing the grass. If someone is planning on killing you, they are going to do it when your vulnerable and when your least expecting it. I don't worry about it and I don't live in fear, I actually welcome the excitement. I just like to be and stay well prepared is all. Now, back to the story!

So, a little bit more about me that you may not know is that I do not like unannounced company! I can't stand it and think it's very rude to do that to someone, unless it's your best friend and he lives alone or something like that. I have a small family that is spread out. I don't have many friends. I live in the country. My point is...There shouldn't be anyone in my damn driveway! I'm telling you all of this in hopes to paint you a better picture as to why I reacted the way that I did :/

After I told my neighbor that I would be outside in 10 seconds, I grabbed my Glock 21 that is pictured in this post, flew down the steps, slipped on the Ol' Crocs and was out the door! I observed a full sized van with it's high-beams shining directly in to my eyes, which I did not care for by the way. I immediately started pieing the van, making my way towards a tree in my yard while at the same time lighting the operator of the vehicle up with the light on the end of my gun. I ordered the operator to kill his lights and engine. My dog was extremely excited and the operator looked terrified but was holding something in his hand. After the operator turned off the lights and turned off the ignition, I heard him say that he was with my service provider. I approached the vehicle and shined my light on his ID badge which confirmed what he was saying. He was a young Hispanic male and was very polite. I asked him what he was doing here and he had a confused look on his face. I told him that my original appointment was at 5pm and it's now 8pm but that really doesn't matter because I cancelled the appointment at 3pm. He said that nobody told him that. I just shrugged my shoulder's and said "Sorry man". That's pretty much the entire story. I never went any further with inquiring why he was so late getting to my house since he had a Rottweiler chomping at the bit to eat him and a big ugly dude pointing a gun at him. He might be on time Monday.

I hope ya'll enjoyed a lil piece of my life lol. Thanks for taking the time to read! The picture of the gun, guy in SWAT gear and me and the dog are all mine.
The remainder of the photos are from Google Images.

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