Helping the marine turtles is a true magical moment .

Last month, me and my family had the best experience ever on kuta beach, releasing baby turtles to the ocean . It was an amazing moment , my daughter was so impressed and happy, and while we had a great time watching all those little turtles running towards the wild waves of the ocean , we also did, in the same time, in a very easy way, our part to help saving the marine wildlife .


Against a little donation, the association , Bali Sea Turtle Society, let you hold and release into the ocean , one of their tiny turtles, born and growth protected in their sanctuary . As we know that turtles are an engandered species, dying from excess fishing, pollution, destruction of their natural habitat, stolen eggs ...

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Hundreds of turtles were release from the busy Kuta beach. An awesome way to entertain young and big kids! And do a good action.

Let's hope that those turtles will grow big and come back to Kuta beach in a few years .

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