Learn Chinese with @cn-reader : 不可思议


bù kě sī yì

meaning: something is noteworthy or amazing in an unexpected way.

Lara is the youngest daughter of a big Turkish enterprise; she lives a carefree life not worrying about anything. Because she has older brothers and sisters at home, everyone in the family loves her and protects her, and whatever she wants, she will get them. The Chairman of Zoella Corp saw his daughter is becoming a spoilt brat, and her little princess attitude is getting worse day by day. So he did something unexpected, he decided to send her to a boarding school abroad that is known for being strict to their students. His decision shocked everyone

拉娜是个土耳其大企业家的小女儿,每天都过着自由自在,无烦恼的生活。因为她在家里还有哥哥姐姐,所以家里的人都十分爱护她。拉娜在家要风得风,要雨得雨。邹尔拉公司总裁见到小女儿快被宠坏了,觉得女儿的小公主脾气一天比一天糟,就做了不可思议的事。 他把拉娜送去了一所在国外十分严肃的寄宿学校。

author & translator: @asianetwork

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