After Twenty Years-Jimmy & Bob:A Heart Touching Story #Story:2 [05:09:2017]

Hello Guys It is the second story and I am definitely sure that you'll enjoy it very much.

A Short Introduction of Jimmy & Bob:-

The Story After Twenty Years by O.Henry is a heart touching story.It is the story of two friends - Jimmy & Bob.They were fast friends.They lived in New York.Jimmy was honest and satisfied but Bob was over ambitious and money was everything for him.

The Story began:-

One day at 10 P.M. they met in a restaurant.They parted from each other.In the while they promised to meet at​ the same place,Date and time After Twenty Years.Bob went to the west and earned money by unproper means. He earned money by illegal ways. He didn't care to the others.He only want to get a lot of money.Money was everything for him.He could do anything for Money.So He was wanted by Chicago Police.Twenty years passed and Bob returned New York to keep his promise.

Jimmy became a policeman.He was sincere and honest.One day when he was on his beat,He saw a man who has an unlighted cigar,Jimmy recognized him as his best friend and a criminal.

Jimmy went from there.He sent another policeman in plain clothes.Bob mistook the second policeman as Jimmy and told every secret.The second policeman arrested him and gave him a note written by Jimmy.

According to the note," I had recognised you when you lighted your cigar.I had kept my promise but you're a criminal and you're wanted by Chicago police.I could not arrest you as you're my friend.I am sending this man in a plain clothes to arrest you."

In this way Bob was arrested because He was a criminal and wanted​ by Chicago Police but Jimmy performed his duty as a friend and as a policeman.

Image Source: PEXELS.COM

As Be Sure To Check My Last Article By Clicking The Link Below:

PEN PAL-A Great story of G.Shri.Nivas Rao. #Story:1 [01:09:2017]


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