John J. Geddes — Author, Poet, Saint

Were it not for Steemit, I might never have heard of John J. Geddes.

"Freshly cut Christmas trees smelling of stars and snow and pine resin — inhale deeply and fill your soul with wintry night."John J. Geddes

I don't generally run in literary circles, and so for me, John's reputation as a renowned literary personage did not preceed him. Unencumbered by knowledge of his celebrity, I only knew that I greatly enjoyed John's poetry and his writing.

As I now recall it, our friendship began when I would leave encouraging and appreciative comments below his work. I passed along and celebrated his writing purely because of my uncoached, personal appreciation for it.

A couple of months back, I wrote a review of John's book "Epiphany." I was happy to recommend it to my Steemit audience after having purchased and delighted in reading it myself.

Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree
Image by Forest Wander via Wikimedia CC 3.0

Who is John J. Geddes?

Earlier today, John was kind enough to join me virtually on for a brief interview. We had a conversation about his past career in academia, and his present engagement as a Steemit writer. I even joked with him about showing up in sunglasses, scarf, and a trench coat in order to avoid the paparazzi. Here's a record of our conversation for your enjoyment.

🎙️creatr: "Well, it's nice, very nice to "talk" for the first time."

🖋️J.J.G.: "My feelings exactly!"

🎙️creatr: "I hope you won’t mind too much being a “guinea pig” for my writing project?"

🖋️J.J.G.: "Not at all. Fire away."

🎙️creatr: "Oh, by the way, please feel free to decline to answer absolutely anything you're not comfortable with me asking?"

🖋️J.J.G.: "Sure."

🎙️creatr: "OK, Thanks."

His Career

🎙️creatr: "John, could you please tell us where you spent your teaching career, and how long it lasted?"

🖋️J.J.G.: "I taught in Toronto and environs for 35 years."

🎙️creatr: "O.K. Did you retire from academics in order to begin life as a writer?"

🖋️J.J.G.: "No. I wrote all my life, just most of it in obscurity for a limited audience of friends."

🎙️creatr: "Are you presently finished with your career in academia, or is it an ongoing occupation?"

🖋️J.J.G.: "No, I'm done."

🎙️creatr: "Do you maintain any regularly exercised 'connections' to that past life?

🖋️J.J.G.: "Colleagues still keep in touch, and I go back and visit occasionally, but so far, I find writing more satisfying... Ha ha."

🎙️creatr: "From your days in teaching, are there any particular students you remember fondly?"

🖋️J.J.G.: "I taught a few famous students and others of a more notorious ilk; but the ones I remember most are the ones who still keep in touch with me — about a half dozen. Mind you, I still chat with my grade ten English teacher. 🙂"

🎙️creatr: "Wow! That's cool! 🙂 It must be gratifying to have students who have become friends. 🙂 Were there any memorable events during your career that you might enjoy sharing with my readers?"

🖋️J.J.G.: "As for an incident, one stands out:"

🖋️J.J.G.: "I was teaching my university English class, when I noticed a girl writing and not paying attention. I called her out for it and asked to see what she was writing. She had a collection of my quotes and sayings from the beginning of the course. I was embarrassed."

His Passions

🎙️creatr: "Ha ha ha... smiling here, and sympathizing... 😉 Do you have any passions, interests, or hobbies apart from writing?"

🖋️J.J.G.: "Well, I was a hockey player. I went to a private boys school that was the Toronto Maple Leafs farm team, and that was my ambition for a while. But now I content myself with teaching the grandkids how to skate. I also love hiking, cooking and gardening. Deb my wife thinks my hobby is spending money. LOL!!"

🎙️creatr: "LOL for sure about your wife having pegged your favorite hobby! 🙂 Your knowledge of hockey surely shows through clearly in 'Epiphany.' How autobiographical is that story, specifically when it comes to your conversion and coming to faith in Christ?"

His Faith

🖋️J.J.G.: "Yeah, that part isn't me. I was always a choirboy, a saint. I never skipped class or was late. No delinquent years and no paganism. I was raised Catholic and attended a Catholic university and have several degrees in Theology and Philosophy. I took courses at the Pontifical Institute, but now I'm a born again Christian."

🎙️creatr: "Wow, I find that very interesting, thanks for sharing! Looking back over what you've told me up to this point, is there anything you would wish to amend or elide from this interview?"

🖋️J.J.G.: "No. I'm a private person, but I'm also transparent — one of my colleagues compared me to Atticus Finch in "To Kill A Mockingbird" — no mask — the same at home as work."

🎙️creatr: "Thank you, John, for opening up a bit for me and my readers."

🖋️J.J.G.: "Have a great night, my friend."

I have, of course, been following John J. Geddes here on Steemit pretty much from day one. There's no doubt in my mind that you'll find reading his work rewarding.


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